Well, the first page of the sight is up! :) I decided it might as well be my family page, because they will yell at me first! :)

My family means alot to me, they are a great bunch of people, and I really do mean BUNCH! :) There are alot of people in my family tree, but they, the tree's sopposed to branch! :)

Many people are blessed with one side of their family being weird, well in that case, I am double blessed, because both sides of my family are extrememly weird. :) Well, I guess they aren't really weird, but they deffinatly keep things interesting at family get togethers. :)

I guess it's weird, that the people who people fear, because they are the weird ones in the family (and you KNOW every family has one of those people!) Well those people, in my family are my favorites. :)

The same goes for music and BHS, I am going to show all of the pages I hope to put up, and then you will know if they are up, because it will be a link, (blue underlined, with the hand pointer thingie) Ok? :) Have fun laughing at my family! :)







Aunt Peg

Aunt Sharon

Uncle Wiz




Uncle Teddy


Grandma Moore

Grandma S.