Thrusty Justy and the Gang | home
COME ON PEOPLE!!!!!! We want some feedback!!!! PLEASE PLEASE e-mail us. come on, we're begging you! Well, anyways, check out the new shit, and E-MAIL US DAMNIT!!
**~New Stuff~**
There's a new section up called the "Fanmail" section. It has some e-mails sent in by our fans complimenting us on our site :-)
Liz cut out some great pictures for us from some magezines, and I scanned them and put them up here. Most of them have captions, and they can be found in the Retarded Pics 2 section. (There were so many retarded pictures of them that we had to make a new page, hehe. Surprised?....we weren't)
Also, JESCBYRD@aol.com e-mailed us some really hilarious stuff for us to put on this site. They can be found in the Group Humor section.
Liz had this idea that you guys could send in captions for whatever picture you want, and could put it under the picture with your e-mail address or name next to it. Just e-mail us telling us your caption, the picture that the caption is for, and what page the picture is located.
If you guys have any comments about a specific page that you liked, e-mail us and we'll put your comment up on that page :-)
We added a new page on the Random Crap section. It's called " Behind the Scenes ", and you can see all the action that goes on Behind the scenes of making this site.
The "When Psychotic Teenyboppers Attack!!" page is now an entire section where we mock and pick on teenyboppers! All of our hatemail is located there, as well as the teenybopper-ish comments that we've deleted from our guestbook. So go check it out!
Also, we added a chatroom in the Fun Stuff section, so fans can interact...and stuff, hehe. Go check it out and tell us how you like it! (we're not really sure how it's gonna turn out...so if you guys run into any problems...tell us!)
We got our first hatemail!!!! YaY!!!!!!! it's not THAT much of a "psycotic teenybopper" type of hatemail (the girl tried to sound mature....yeah..uh huh) well, it's posted in the psycotic teenies section. ***I went easy on this one....it was the first hatemail we got. Plus, it wasn't all that bad***