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Bopper Magezine Pics
those teenybopper magezines are good for something - the pictures!!!!!

The whole stereo poppin' boy band - Pics of the whole group

The reassuring older brother figure - The Real Chris Crazy......when he's not so crazy.

The Dewey Eyed Youngster -  A.K.A   the cute one

The Heartthrob - he's the one that holds it all together.

The shy, bashful one - from shy and FINE and in the spotlight!!!

The Bad Boy - The rebel.

Funny Pics
some of them have captions, and some of them don't.

*GhettoSYNC - are you feelin their timbs, their baggy jeans, their thug appeal?!

Retarded Pics - hehe, and you know there's gonna be a hella more where these came from

Retarded Pics 2 - I didn't want to cram them all onto one page and make you wait for them to load.

The Old Days - The baggy jeans.....the FUBU jerseys...*sigh*

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