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Fun Stuff

This is the section of the site where you can have fun and even interact with other Thrusty Justy fans!  You can go into the chatroom, check out the dolls, take the banners, join the cliques...whatever!  If you have any ideas for questions we could ask on the poll, or any ideas for this section, e-mail us, and we'll give you credit for your idea. Thanx!

Take the Poll! - includes all sorts of questions

Dollies - including female singers, fans,WWF, NSYNC, and more!

Cliques - check out the different cliques we belong to!

Banners - they're here for all to steal!

Newsies and Zines - We only have a couple right now.
Chatroom - Come and chat with other Thrusty Justy fans!  **Make sure you have a java enabled browser, or else it won't let you go in**

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