Information About Me
Hi my name is Karen, my kennel name is K-Lee. I got my first purebred
dog in 1982. I have had shelties since 1989. I got my first
schipperke in 1993 and have finished five schips as champions in five years, two of which
I bred out of my first litter of schips. I'm a member of the Marshfield Area
Kennel Club which I've been since 1989. I've been the treasurer for
that club for about five years, I've also served on the board of directors for that club
in the past before being treasurer. I'm a member of the Wisconsin Rapids Kennel
Club, White Sheltland Sheepdog Association, Illiana Schipperke Club, and the Schipperke Club Of America also.
My goals are to breed dogs that I would want as a pet, and that will do
well in conformation, obedience, agility, and what each breed was bred for. For
example Schips were bred to be watch dogs and kill rats.
And to breed for healthy, good temperaments, sound, pretty, and as close to the standard
for each breed as I can.
Titles I have put on my dogs:
Longsine the Carnival Queen CD, CGC (Sheltie)
Ch.Dante's Better Mousetrap CGC (Schip)
Ch.Dante's Inkahootz With K-Lee (Schip)
Ch.Mystiks Dream Weaver CGC (Schip)
Ch.Dante's Sheradin Pandemonium (Schip)
Dogs that I Bred & put titles on:
Ch.K-Lee's Black Pearl CGC Group placer Two legs NA both perfect scores
Ch.K-Lee's Devil Made Me Do It (Schip)
K-Lee's Queen Of D-Nile CGC (Sheltie)
K-Lee's Shadow Dancer OA, NAJ, CGC (Sheltie)
Ch.K-Lee's Knight To Remember Group placer (Schip)
Ch.K-Lee's Black Tie No Tail NA, NAJ (Schip)
Ch.K-Lee's Moonlit Knight (Schip)
Dogs that I bred that have titles by their new owners:
Ch.K-Lee's Masterpiece Now OA, OAJ
2001 Schipperke Club of America Top Ten Agility (Schip)
Pronto is #2 as of April 8th, 2003 Owner~Laurie Bandy
K-Lee's Spark Of Fire UD (Sheltie) Owner~Cindy Dahlke
K-Lee Into The Mystic CD, NA, CGC (Sheltie) Owner~Sandy Oksuita
International, Can., UKC, AKC Ch.K-Lee's Bit O' Koal V Kep'on CGC (Schip) Owner~Barb Koeppen
K-Lee's Blue Ice Tb's Angel CD, Therapy Dog (Sheltie) Owner~Jerry Zinthefer
K-Lee's Mystik Book O Shadows NA (Schip) Owner Mary Jo Plamann~Co-Breeder
Charlene Gunville. She also has
4 confirmation points.
K-Lee's Magical Mystery OA, OAJ (Schip) Owner Laurie Bandy.
Dali also has 2 confirmation points. Dali is #4 Schipperke Club of America Top Ten Agility (Schip)
as of April 8th, 2003.
K-Lee's Black Magic Rose NA she was #5 for top agility schips earlier this year
2002. She is owned by Lara Plamann.

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