The Buffy the Vampire Slayer Addiction Gauge

Addicted Much?

Find out how far your Buffy obsession has gone with this simple test.

Note: An interractive version is in the works, but there are still major bugs, so keep a look out. For now jot down your answers (horrors) on a piece of paper.

1. Have you ever skipped a social function because Buffy was on?

a. Yes, friends come and go, but Buffy is forever
b. Yes, but but I taped it, and spent the night worrying about whether the VCR was set right.
c. No, there are always reruns

2. Do you have any stuffed animals, pets, etc. named after Buffy characters?
a. One or two
b. Three or more
c. None

3. Can you name all the Buffy episodes?
a. They have names?
b. In order
c. Most of them, given some time

4. Have you ever gotten distracted in some important activity like work, class, a date, contemplating some of the deeper Buffy questions, eg. Do Vampires actually breathe? How are slayers "called"?
a. No
b. Once or twice
c. All the time

5.Do you dream about the show?
a. Yes
b. No
c. Dream about Buffy? I am Buffy(Giles, Angel, Willow, Xander,etc)

6. Have you ever spent more than an hour surfing for Buffy sites or that perfect pic?
a. You mean this isn't a part of everyone's daily routine?
b. Occasionally
c. No

7. Do your parents, significant other or any friends, who don't watch Buffy know the plots and major characters because of you?
a. Yes
b. Don't watch? I drag them in front of the T.V. whether they like it or not
c. Not really

8. (A) Do you own a stake that isn't associated with tents, or other nonslayage purpose?
a. No
b. Yes
(B) Did you name it?
a. Yes
b. No
(C) After a Buffy character?
a. Yes
b. No

9. (A) Do you know the names of the writers?
a. yes
b. no
c. some of them
(B) Do your expectations about an episode change based on who wrote it?
a. Yes
b. No
(C) Do you ever find yourself disappointed in a particular writer? eg. "Marti Noxon really could have done better. This isn't up to her usual standards"
a. Yes
b. No

10. (A) Do you have an opinion on the question of vampire breathing?
a. Yes
b. No
(B) Have you defended it verbally or in writing?
a. yes
b. no
(C) Did you cite particular episodes to stregnthen your claim?
a. yes
b. no

That's all for now. Click here to find out how you did

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