Welcome to the thirteen steps of Demons Anonymous. Remember our goal is not necessarily to give up Buffy, but to stay grounded in reality. Control the obsession, don't let it control you.

The 13 Steps to Beating that Buffy Addiction

1. Admit that you have a Buffy problem. Don't be shy. Say, "I am addicted to 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer'."

2. Take any noncamping relatied stakes and burn them- all of them (keeping fire safety rules, of course)

3. Give the Holy Water back to the priest, he'll appreciate it.

4. You are not Buffy (Angel, Giles, Willow, etc.). Repeat this. Stop referring to yourself as such. Let your friends use the name your parents gave you.

5. Leave the garlic in the kitchen

6. Watch Felicity.

7. Go outside. . . in sunlight.

8. Stay away from cemetaries.

9. The next stuffed animal, pet, etc.- name it Fluffy or Rover: something completely nonBuffy related.

10. Read a book- no vampires, witches, the occult and, I can't stress this enough, NO BUFFY.

11. Next time someone makes a Buffy error or takes a position on a Buffy issue with which you disagree, bite your tounge and smile- it's good for your soul.

12. Start referring to thae actors by their actual names when they are not acting in an episode (eg. If you see Sarah Michelle Gellar on a talk show say, "Sarah Michelle Gellar is on" not "Buffy is on").

13. Tell yourself, "It's just a T.V. show". Repeat this until you believe it

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