A/N: A WORD (or more): Sleep patterns. Anne McCaffrey explains them far better than I ever could. Read The Rowan or Damia if you are confused. Sleep patterns are initiated by Talents when they wish to sleep. Well, I figure that if a Talent (primarily a certain Prime) can choose the sex of her unborn child, then a Force Sensitive Jedi can choose the genre of his dreams using a sleep pattern exercise. But will this be the comfort? Perhaps, perhaps not.

Chapter I

Ah. Alone at last. Or so he hoped. Luke Skywalker needed a break from the constant demands the rebellion made on him. After all that he'd been through, the last thing he needed was more work. In fact, Luke Skywalker needed a hug. Not that he'd tell anyone or ask for one. No. That wouldn't be very fitting of his station nor would it do his dignity any good. Luke raked a hand through his hair and let out a ragged sigh.

"Father...why did you have to die? I finally get you back only to lose you all over again." The young Jedi felt quite doomed to loneliness. He'd thought--no, more like hoped--that Leia would understand, but his beautiful twin didn't. She tried to, but she could never fully understand the way he felt. Then there was Han and Chewie. He'd tried explaining everything to the Corellian, but, again, no understanding. Chewie was only slightly better than Han. Luke felt the tears come to his eyes.

"Why? I am forever comforting others, but..." It was all he could do to keep from breaking down completely. "Why doesn't anyone comfort me? Why..." Luke knew he needed comfort. However, the one kind he truly craved, the kind that existed between a father and his son, was unavailable to him. So, he tried the next best thing. He triggered his most comforting sleep pattern and fell into a dreamless sleep.

[Dead]Anakin watched his son sleep with a tenderly wistful expression on his aged face. His son had faced so much in his life. His amazing, wonderful, loving son full of light...


Hours later, Luke awoke to the sensation of someone shaking him roughly.

"Huh? Wha? What's going on?" he asked sleepily as his eyes focused on the person waking him. He blinked once, twice, then rubbed his eyes. And still couldn't believe what he saw. There, in front of him, was his father. Not a ghost, but his father.

"That's it," said the young Jedi. "I've finally lost it. I'm not going crazy, I'm already there!"

To Be Continued...

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