Power Lust __________________________________________ IMPORTANT Note about the story's copyrights: All the rights related to the basic idea of Mon Mothma's scheme and the ensuing alliance between Luke and Vader belong to Tatiana, and so do Vader's personality and the Sathed history. The rest of the story is a fusing of our imaginations since we've passed the story back and forth between ourselves :) Special thanks to my shy, secret beta-reader and best friend, Adrianne, for her help with the final editing of my new stories. Thanks for giving me some of your precious time, my friend :) _________________________________ As Luke and his friends came closer to a building, which had been indicated Unfortunately, before he could warn his companions of a change of plans, Han Oh no..! "Han!" Luke called, instantly running after his friend
while drawing Chewie was already on Solo's heels and the building's windows could not
exactly The moment that he stepped inside, he spotted his friends, who were trying to At first, Luke didn't know what to do exactly, then his danger senses
flared--- He had already deflected a good dozen of bolts and had injured a few enemy *Fight me, Son. We can communicate through the Force.* Bracing himself for a double play, Luke holstered his blaster and focused They exchanged a first, vicious slash, as if two enemies who had finally *I tracked Mothma to the former rebellion group here. You?* "You will be
mine *I found out that the Massacres had the contract on Leia.* "Never,"
Luke spat *It seems that these former rebels contacted them. Anything else?* his father Meanwhile, the Jedi and the Sith Lord parried and exchanged a flurry of *No. You?* he queried. *The rebel's group main base is in the unknown regions, somewhere near the *Will you go there? In person?* Luke asked his father. Another slash. Vader's' blade almost touched Luke's head--- or rather where
his *Yes, we are running short on time. Besides, it's possible that I'll be
needed Luke riposted, making Vader step back to prevent him from injuring his arm.
*A *It doesn't matter,* his father shook his head, then attacked again, forcing
him Vader suddenly attacked again. In order to move out of his range, Luke "Luke!!!" Han exclaimed and aimed at Vader. Vader whirled around and blocked the bolts that would have added ventilation *Now,* his father warned him seriously, *take your friend away before I can't *Right. Sorry,* he sent as he scurried to his feet. He then sent a heavy table flying in his father's path; it crashed hard
against "Come on, Han," he urged him, "let's loose ourselves before he
can recover. Han didn't resist too much, but he kept firing at the dark giant until ****** Once aboard the ship, they lifted off in record time. "I thought that you could feel him when he's close," Han grunted as
they sped "Unless he shields his presence," Luke defended himself. "He
must have known "How would he know?" Solo frowned, turning toward him. "Your friend perhaps," Luke suggested mock-grimly. Han snorted; Chewie agreed with him. "Wouldn't even surprise me. So,
have you "Yes. Head for the unknown regions, Quadra Zone." "The---" Han gaped, suddenly frozen and speechless in horror. So, Luke thought seriously, even Han, who was as daredevil as they came, had When he didn't comment on his reaction, Solo understood that he was serious;
he "I hope you know what you're doing, Kid," Han agreed with his co-pilot. Luke couldn't argue with them, except that he hoped that his 'father' hadn't "Say," Han asked, cutting in his thoughts, "why didn't you kill Vader?" "Because we would still be fighting if I hadn't run away," he lied. He couldn't tell Han that Vader was his father; not yet anyway. However, he And then, he also had to admit that the dark-clad man was becoming quite an Their actual truce might not last forever, he reminded himself. ****** Shortly after Luke and his friends left, Vader boarded his personal corvette Since he had known that it would be suicidal to go in the Outer Rim alone, he Ever since he had selected the ship to make it his personal craft, he had The greatest advantage with his choice was that unlike his Super Star
Destroyer Thus, the Shadow Spear had come to be. He had first had the ship outfitted with powerful engines, an array of
weapons Its crew and TIE pilots had also been carefully chosen after an attentive
study They naturally knew that they were outside the normal ranks, but they didn't Yes, he nodded to himself, more than the bulky, huge Executor, the Shadow
Spear With that thought, he closed his eyes and tried to relax in the tank that was Instead of sleep, darkness and silence, the images of Farlax came back, full
of Then, the images of his mock battle with his son came too. His mind, bright, This revelation made him smile slightly in the beginning of relief. To
discover "I don't have much to give, Luke," he said out loud, wishing that
his son would ****** Approximately two days after leaving Farlax, the Falcon reached the mostly Once they were well inside the unknown region, Luke scanned the sector for
his "Straight ahead, Han. She's further inside the zone." "Joy," the Correllian commented, dead-pan. Luke wholeheartedly agreed with him. He wouldn't complain when they would As he scanned the purple and deep violet space outside, he wondered what was They flew past planet after planet, with no signal whatsoever---- when a
sudden The thing found them first. What they had thought to be a smaller planet had been, in fact, some kind of "Han! Floor it!" he yelled to the Correllian as he and Chewie
opened fire The bolts hurt it, but it was too big to be incapacitated by their shots. The "Can't the Force guide you this time, Kid?" the pilot shouted in
frustration in "Afraid not!" Luke answered back even as he let loose another volley of fire. They had tried to fire at its eyes, chest, mouth; anything that looked "Chewie, any other spot a predator would try?" Luke inquired to his companion. He suggested the wings. They both aimed at the wings, piercing their
membranes. "How about a torpedo?" Solo suggested. Luke gaped at him. "Are you suggesting to use a torpedo on a living
being?" he He didn't like that plan one tiny bit. "We don't have much other choice, do we, Kid?" Solo grouched,
obviously not Luke fired again as he considered their options. They were indeed limited. "Watch me," the pilot muttered darkly. The Falcon turned about, coming from an angle that the bird couldn't hope Han's torpedo disappeared inside its body. "So much for that," the Corellian grumbled dejectedly while he
hurried to veer Luke turned his seat again and refocused on the creature. That's when he
became "It's gonna blow! Get us---" The creature popped like a huge balloon... a balloon which threw the Falcon None of them had time to brace themselves before they collided hard into When Vader's ship reached the Quadra Zone, even her emotionless captain "Continue further inside the zone," he ordered him. "Yes, my Lord" The captain turned toward his subordinates. Even without this announcement, Vader reflected while he watched the familiar Or as it was also sometimes called: the Sith Hell. The power swirled around him, mad, incurring, intoxicating. The memories of a But for Luke, he reflected more somberly, it had to be awful. With that Luke was here, all right, he finally understood, and was not in danger, or
not That relieved him since he knew that the said shock-wave was comparable to
the While he didn't care much about Solo, he could admit that his ship really Refocusing on the here and now, he felt that his son's team was now
progressing Where Leia was. Recovering his full awareness, he stepped closer to the map table and studied As usual, the captain did not appear surprised. "At once, my Lord,"
he bowed in As he refocused on the map, Vader admitted to himself that he did not like
this On its surface, where the false rebels had established their base, stood the For a Jedi to obtain entrance to his temple, he knew that the said Jedi would So would his son... ****** Luke and Han landed in the desert of the planet, making sure to not be
"Are you sure that this thing is the base?" Han asked his friend,
looking at the The closest wall was at least twenty-five meters away from them, down a very "I'm positive," Luke told him, his voice unwavering. Leia's senses were centered in this building. The base was a black fortress... and strangely misshapen. The longer he He wondered if it was even humanoid at all... and why it was giving him the Beside him, Han hunched down once again, dissimulating himself behind the
cliff Fortunately for him, Luke thought, the climb had been a very steep walk
upward He refocused on their target. The base definitely felt strange, he reflected "Do you feel her?" his companion inquired seriously. "Yes." Luke shuddered. "It's almost the only thing that I can feel at all..." "OK. So ,what's the plan of attack?" Solo inquired, getting back in business. "Well...How about finding a back door?" he suggested with a shrug. "Hmmm..."Han frowned. He lurked back over the top of their hiding rock to look at the fortress. *LUKE!* Vader's voice suddenly screamed through the Force. It startled the young Jedi. *Father!* he gasped in surprise, then reached out He put an end to his effort when he became aware that Vader was probably *Behind you, and above,* his father answered his question. *Don't even think
to Luke couldn't help but think that he sounded a lot like a patronizing father
at *It's a temple of Arsharel, the Sith god of death and destruction, and you're
a Luke blanched as his father's words struck home. He looked at his friend and *You speak as if he really exists,* he then commented in naive dubiousness. *Of course he does! It would be foolish to be priest of a non-existing god, *I... I don't understand.* *Twelve thousand years ago,* the Sith Lord seemed to sigh, *there was, in
this *Huh?!* Luke frowned. That really didn't fit with what Yoda had taught him. *What you might have read was written many years after the Third Great War.
The Luke was thoroughly lost now, but his father continued, as if this were very *Some four or five generations before Palpatine, there was an effort to
restore *So you're a priest of ...this god of death?* he asked, trying hard to make *No, but I'm one of the Circle. I know about him and respect him.* *You've lost me,* he commented truthfully. *The Circle?* *The symbol of memory, among other things,* Vader said, then cut him short *Got it. What do we do now?* he nodded, mentally clearing his mind of
questions. *Answer to your Correlian friend, and act natural,* his father instructed him. *What are you going to do?* Luke asked uncertainly. *You'll see.* came the cryptical answer. Silence. To be Continued in part 5: Rescue Team Copyright 2001/2002, SJ and Tatiana (aa354105@econophone.ch) Home | Fan Fiction | Links | Site Info | Challenges | Fan Art |