These days a lot is said and written in the media,that
people don't do enough to help others in need. For example when someone is abused on a bus or a train,even a conductor (which
happens quite a bit), other people seem to stand by and watch . Obviously some are scared that they themselves get hurt. But
is enough attention paid to people who do help others in need? Or even to people that have risked their own lives in order
to save another?
It is difficult to know how you yourself would react if such a situation would occur right in front
of you. When I heard that my sister got stabbed to death on a London Underground platform by her ex-boyfriend, I was in absolute
shock.It sometimes is still hard to believe she is no longer around. When I heard of what actually took place on that dreadful
friday evening at 6.25 p.m. I tried to get a picture in my head of Marquerite's last moments alive. For days it was going
round and round in my head until it wore off . It is like you are living a nightmare,especially the first week. I suppose
it made me come to terms with the unimaginable .
Having been told about the incredibly brave actions of Chris Kiely
and Marquerite's colleague and friend Tom Pontifex, I was stunned.They both risked their lives and got wounded themselves.Chris
Kiely did not know my sister. He was a commuter on the tube. I am incredibly grateful for their heroic actions. Several surgeons
who happened to be on the platform,having just finished work in nearby hospitals , acted quickly and did all they could to
keep my sister alive as well as the aids from the trauma helicopter.
At the courtcase at the Old Bailey in september
2002, I heard many other witnesses who were helping out. In particular I have to mention an emotional young woman,who kept
referring to my sister as 'the lady' who amazingly assisted a surgeon .To know that all was done to save my sister gives me
a feeling of immense gratitude. All involved behaved with such dignity. My heart goes out to the witnesses who faced this
trauma and I just hope they will come to terms with what happened right in front of them. I don't know how this will sound,
but for me to know that Marquerite did not die alone and that everything was done to save her gives me some kind of peace.
My family and I got to know Chris and Tom, and his lovely family, quite well during the courtcase.We form a strong
emotional bond and this has strenghened all of us. Chris is now travelling the world, keeping us updated on his(rather exciting)
To read newsreports of what happened,
please go to the Links page.
