Who was Marquerite?That is impossible to tell on one page and therefore that would be an impossible 'task'.On this page I
am giving an impression of my beloved sister's life.

Marquerite was born on 8th April 1977.She is the youngest
in my family of 5 children.Marquerite has always been a happy and beautiful child and you may not be surprised that she was
never short of attention!
As the youngest in the family Marquerite was 5 years my junior and we
always spent a lot of time together.We were real buddies.I always felt protective towards my sister like any sister or brother
would be towards a younger sibling!We both could also really talk to eachother and confide in one another.
childhood we spent on the outskirts of our town,near the farms and pasturelands(kind of semi-rural).We both went to the same
primary school of which we both had fond memories of.In fact,there was a school reunion coming up in May of 2002,that Marquerite
was really excited about going to.She was really looking forward to meet old teachers and friends again.It wasn't to be.What
really touched me was that ,at the reunion ,a special table with Marquerite's photograph was displayed with lit candles.Very
As kids we played a lot outside and always kept ourselves busy with activities with crafts,sports
and so on.Marquerite had some very good friends,some of them she befriended already when she was only at kindergarten and
that she stayed friends with well into her teens.
Secondary school she finished at 17.She passed her exams
,A levels,with flying colours.After doing a few jobs,she landed a job in marine logistics.This turned out to be not just a
job,but a career!


One time Marquerite was visiting me in London,where I had
been living already for several years,when she visited the London head office of her company.She was on the phone daily to
them at work and she thought it would be nice to meet her colleagues face to face.They took her out for a meal and they gone
on very well.Back in Holland she got a phonecall she was offered a position in London...if she wanted it!Ofcourse the excitement
was huge and soon Marquerite came over to London.Needless to say my parents were very sad she was leaving home,but what can
you do with such an opportunity?
Marquerite worked hard and really worked her way up into the business department.After
5 years,soon she was going to be appointed manager.For her age,I reckon she did an amazing job.In her personal life,as time
went on,she made some really good friends and really blossomed as a person.Spiritually she had become very strong and very
wise.She loved to laugh as well and when I am writing this I can hear it in my mind,just as if she was sitting next to me.Marquerite
also loved music and she liked to dance.
Having a sensitive soul,inside Marquerite was also a fighter.But
like any old person,sometimes she needed a little re-assurance and TLC(tender loving care)!I am grateful that in her short
life she has experienced real love,real friendship and real happiness.
Needless to say,I miss Marquerite.I
feel like I have lost my buddy and that part of me is missing.On the other hand I feel she IS around,only in another dymansion.I
feel she is looking out for me somehow.
When I visit her grave I bring flowers ,light a candle
, look after the plants and I reflect.It is only natural.Sometimes I feel very emotional when I feel her loss very deeply.Other
times I feel more at peace.Sometimes I can talk easily about my feelings.Other times I prefer to keep them to myself.I know
that life goes on,but there is not a day that goes by that I don't think about my sister.I also realise very much what
is really important in life .Some things that I might have got worked up about before ,now seem insignificant in comparison.And
some things have become much more significant now in my life.Like living life from the soul,more appreciation of real friendship
and the people you can really rely on.Live life today as it could be all over tomorrow.
I often wonder where she is now.Is she in a better place?Is
she happy?One can only hope and guess,but as far as I am concerned... she is an angel...

Marquerite has lived and I am grateful to have known her