Psy·chol·o·gy -
- The science that deals with mental processes and behavior.
- The emotional and behavioral characteristics of an individual, a group, or an activity: the psychology of war.
- Subtle tactical action or argument used to manipulate or influence another: He used poor psychology on his employer when trying to make the point.
- Philosophy. The branch of metaphysics that studies the soul, the mind, and the relationship of life and mind to the functions of the body.
Math·e·mat·ics -
- That science, or class of sciences, which treats of the exact relations existing between quantities or magnitudes, and of the methods by which, in accordance with these relations, quantities sought are deducible from other quantities known or supposed; the science of spatial and quantitative relations.
- Note: Mathematics embraces three departments, namely: 1. Arithmetic. 2. Geometry, including Trigonometry and Conic Sections. 3. Analysis, in which letters are used, including Algebra, Analytical Geometry, and Calculus. Each of these divisions is divided into pure or abstract; and mixed or applied.