There is a common belief that internet poker sites 'juice-up' the hands dealt in order to create bigger pots and thus more rake. I wish it were true, as I would now be living in a mansion built for a Bond villain if it were.
Here's why: The only way to juice-up the action is to deal more situations than normal involving flush-over-flush, straight-over-straight, set-over-set and so on. If we are certain that this is going on and that most people are not aware of this, then the solution is simple: Never draw to non-nut flushes. Throw away small pairs and don't play small straightening cards. Make sure to have lots of money in front of you in all cash games in order to wipe out the people who haven't cottoned on to this and who still give action with dominated hands (small straights, small flushes, small trips, small full houses). Play three sites at once, play two tables on every site and within a year you will be a millionaire.
As I have already pointed out on the Hendon Mob forum, the best thing for a crooked internet poker operator to do would be to engineer the site to have more SPLIT POTS with big hands. This would ensure that everyone got some excitement, nobody ever lost and the site got the maximum rake. In all the years that I have listened to people making accusations about the integrity of online poker, I've never heard one person say that there is an unusual number of split pots going on.
Of course, if any of you do find a truly 'juiced-up' site, please tell me about it and I'll send you a postcard from a yacht off the Italian Riviera as a thank-you.
_ DY
at 7:24 PM GMT