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2.18.99 "

"Yo wassup gangsta g-money q-doggg five the hard way, we comin' at you fresh wid a brand new addition to the site fo' today, its about these 5 members of today's society that be shoppin." In the picture above, or below if you have one of those upside down cake computers, you will see 5 chaps who are at a store.Why are these 5 chaps, who are as mentioned earlier in the story, members of today's society, shopping??? Possibly to buy goods that have been manufactured by other members of society, who punch a time clock before and after making the goods, but that does not really matter that much. Anyway, the reason these chaps are all happy and all is that I took this picture when we were at this dumb store makin fun of all the dumb stuff that they sold and all the dumb fat people that shop there. I have pictures of that, but I put a fat dude on the page yesterday and so I will have to not put one on today to comply with the FPWPA (Fat People on Web Pages Act). Anyway, there is not much happiness in shopping, so I figured I would let you know that we were just making fun of dumb people who like buying time clocker produced crap to impress all their friends that watch Tv or whatever, and not having a good time shopping. Shopping is lame as Matlock.