Want to browse before you read? Click on any of the hyperlinks below to be taken to the Episode Guide for that MSTing. You'll learn the plots of the stories, along with brief descriptions of all the sketches- just like the Amazing Colossal Episode Guide does for the show!
Episode EM102: "Bloodlines: The Calling"/"An Open Window Observing the Battleground"
Episode EM103: "Name of the Game", with the short "Teamwork"
Episode EM104: "Something in the String of G", with the short, "The Sentence"
EM105: "The adventures of goblins, talk show hosts, bugaloos, witchie poos, and golden flutes named Freddie in the Labrynth",
with the short, "I want You Back"
Episode SOUP101: "Winning Love By Daylight",
Episode SOUP102: "Republic's Fall"
SOUP103: "The Misery Senshi Neo-Zero Double Blitzkrieg Debacle"
Can I interest you in something else?
Hot Soup: The Complete list of GROUP MSTings.
Main Course: The Complete List of Pink Boy MSTings
The Doggie Bag: Odds and Ends, This and That