Taking Care of Your Teacup

Kahlua ........ Future Teacup Daddy
11 weeks old

Information--thanks to Lancelot Poodles



Things you should be aware of in the t-cup babies:  Print this and keep it on hand!!!!


Once your poo gets there with you, he/she will need to be in a playpen or something where he/she doesn't become over-exerted and his/her blood sugar drop out.  He/She will need to be kept in a confined area for several months as they are just so tiny and just a trip across the living room or kitchen floor can or will totally exhaust them and their energy level.....dropping drastically just that fast.

Playing should be minimal for several months like maybe only three 15 minute playtimes out of the playpen per day until they are older....

He/She will need nutri-cal daily before bedtime, this keeps the blood sugar up and helps with calories he/she may need that they didn't get throughout the day....

He/She will need hard puppy Eukanuba Or Iams Small Bites and canned food (we use Science Diet Puppy) with them daily along with fresh water that has had Karo (Corn Syrup) added to it to keep the blood sugar level up.....

Having one of these tiny little ones is a lot of work and takes a lot of time, he/she will also not be able to be left alone until he/she is at least 6-9 months old as once the bloodsugar level drops you have a matter of minutes before brain damage occurs and a coma sets being there with him/her is VERY IMPORTANT!!!

Once a puppy is down, you will need to first give him/her a 1 cc of straight white karo then wait 10 minutes and give another 1 cc.... keep him/her in a towel while he/she is down until he/she comes around as their temperature drops during this time also.

After he/she is up and walking again, they will immediately want water and lots of it, BUT DON'T GIVE THEM ANY for at least 1 hour as that will dilute the sugar and it will drop out again.  After he/she is up again, offer some canned baby food.  Chicken or Turkey (bland) is the best and then after he/she eats, let him/her rest.

Check on them every 2 hours at least to be sure they are ok....

Give the nutri-cal before bedtime to get him/her through the night...

IF ever you feel he/she is having an episode that warrants the vet's assistance, then PLEASE give the 1 cc karo on the way out the door, this could be the difference of him LIVING and DYING!!! Sometimes they are down so far that they will need IV Fluids from your vet..But the Karo is important to give  until a Vet can be seen..

PLEASE DON'T BE AFRAID by what I have written, this is just things that you need to be informed of and prepared for in the case of it happening.  It doesn't happen in all the tiny ones but is better to be SAFE than sorry.

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Donna LaRochelle