Hi, everyone.
I am glad you have taken the time to come and visit my web page. I just wanted to let you know a little about myself.
I have been an animal lover all of my life. I can't remember a time in my life when I wasn't surrounded by some
pet or other. From dogs and cats to fish, pigeons, turtles, budgies, horses, horses, horses (What can I say , I love
horses). Also, POODLES my favorite dog. I like all kinds, but my heart has settled on these adorable little babies.
They love you like there is no end and they are loyal, playful and so intelligent and kind. They love kids and get along
well with my horses and each other.
You get to treat them like little ladies or gentlemen. Haircuts and ribbons or bows. The more you fuss, the
more they love you. They truly know they are special pets. Like little queens and kings just for you..........
I have had poodles since early 1980's. I have been raising puppies since 1992. I only had one dog at the
time, but since then have expanded to 10 of the lovely little guys. It seems that since my children are growing
up they are filling a hole left by my kids when they move out. They are my new children. I love them dearly.............
When my girls are ready to have their babies, I am there for them. I don't believe in letting them whelp by themselves.
I always make sure that I am there for support and help if they need it. Everything is carefully set out in case we
have an emergency. Some times the nights are long, but so rewarding when all the puppies are tucked up next to their
mom for a good first meal and a nap. All their weights are recorded and time of birth.
They each have their own space when they have their puppies. One in my bedroom, one in the kitchen, one in the bathroom,
one in the livingroom. They like their own space and time with their babies.
The boys stay in the porch so they don't bother the little new moms and babies.
.........Life is good.......................