To all using Illinois American Water
except Pekin
Please be aware that the Illinois
American Water in Peoria are now using chloramines to disinfect the water. So far this only affects Illinois American Water, (
including Hanna City, Bellevue, Rome, Dunlap, etc.) If you are unsure please call your water company and ask. Chloramine will
be used in more and more communities. Chloramines will not dissipate by spraying into the air. They will last for a long
long time and will kill your fish. Instead of attacking the gills, it goes into the blood vessels and kills them. Chloramines
are chlorine combined with ammonia. Some water treatments will break down the chloramines into chlorine and ammonia, but if
it doesn't break down the ammonia, it still could be a killer! Not all treatments list this information on the label. Kullscape
sells Pond Detoxifier and doesn't list this, but the information sheet lists that it does treat both chloramine and ammonia.
There is another product that the AKCA recommends called AmQuel which handles both. Plus there are many others. Just
make sure to read the label and if they don't say, call the company. These may be added to your pond just before you add untreated
Chloramines will affect the safety of automatic waterers. Unless the chloramines
are treated before the water is added to your pond, it will kill your fish!!
Already fish have been killed in Peoria not knowing of this change. Please heed
this alert before you add water into your pond.