To become a member you may send your $20 per couple or single membership to our treasurer. Members
dues are currently $20 per dual or individual, payable to PKPS. Each family or individual membership may be husband/wife,
mother/ daughter, partners,etc... Your dues entitle you to all the privileges of a member, voting, free library use, discounted
magazines, special purchases, bus trips, door prizes, members guide, handouts and informative newsletters 10 times a year.
Society members often share plants, fish and other pond related items. Receive the members' manual , use of the Society's
extensive library, and participation in all special events. Join today! Click on the link below
to print Membership Form.
You can fill out the Pond Questionnaire and Pond Directory one of two ways.
Either click the link below and print out the pdf. form and mail it, or fill out the form(s) below and click the submit
The Club is investigating the possibilty of a Club Directory to be used strictly
for pond club members. If the club dicides to go forward with same, please complete the following question's and click the
send button. If there is any information you do not want included in the proposed club directory,
simply leave blank.