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Sunday, 15 August 2004
Bush Quotes
Mood:  chatty
Topic: Quotes
If you though Quayle was funny, get a load of these George W Bush Quotes:

Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.
-- Washington, D.C., Aug. 5, 2004

We are working with our friends to keep the pressure on the moolahs [mullahs] to -- to listen to the demands of the free world.
-- Aug. 2, 2004

There will be big differences in this campaign. They're going to raise your taxes, we're not.
-- Jul. 26, 2004

It reads like a mystery, a novel. It's well written.
-- Dubya's assessment of the 9/11 Commission's report, and a statement I'm sure will make the country feel a whole lot better, Crawford, Texas, Jul. 26, 2004

Mayor George Van Dusen of Skokie, thanks for coming, George. Great first name. Fill the potholes.
-- Glenview, Illinois. Jul. 22, 2004

By the way, to whom much has been given, much is owed. Not only are we leading the world in terms of encouraging freedom and peace, we're feeding the hungry. We're taking care of, as best as we possibly can, the victims of HIV/AIDS.
-- Dubya tries to quote scripture here (Luke 12:48 - "To whom much is given, much is required."), only his version means the exact opposite, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Jul. 20, 2004

In the campaign, you'll hear, we're going only to tax the rich. That's what you'll hear. Now, this is from a fellow who has promised about $2 trillion of new spending thus far. And only taxing the rich, first of all, creates a huge tax gap, which means buyer beware. You see, if you can't raise enough by taxing the rich, guess who gets to pay next? Yes, the not rich. That's all of us.
-- Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Jul. 20, 2004

I want to be the peace president.
--Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Jul. 20, 2004

I don't think you order suiciders to kill innocent men, women, and children if you're a religious person.
-- Fond Du Lac, Wisconsin, Jul. 14, 2004

When you hear on your TV screens, America is marching to war, it's difficult to make investment.
-- Fond Du Lac, Wisconsin, Jul. 14, 2004

I went to the United Nations and said, he's [Saddam Hussein is] a threat. And they agreed with the fact that he was a threat, by a 15 to nothing vote in the United Nations Security Council. See, the world spoke. Not only America speak, the world spoke.
-- Kutztown, Pennsylvania, Jul. 9, 2004

He's going to tax all of you.
-- Dubya on John Kerry, sounding pretty silly unless Dubya is planning to unilaterally outlaw all taxes, Washington, D.C., Mar. 23, 2004

Yes, that's a -- first of all, Mom, you're doing -- that's tough. But it's -- I appreciate that. I appreciate the idea of you wanting to give your children the education from you and the mom.
-- Springfield, Missouri, Feb. 9, 2004

She is a fabulous First Lady. I was a lucky man when she said, yes, I agree to marry you. I love her dearly, and I'm proud of the job she's doing on behalf of all Americans. Just like I love my brother.
-- Jacksonville, Florida, Sep. 9, 2003

I appreciate [Florida Governor] Jeb [Bush] -- talk about swamping somebody, he knows the definition of 'swamp' when it comes to political campaigns.
-- Tampa, Florida, Jun. 30, 2003

After all, this is a guy that tried to kill my dad at one time.
-- Houston, Texas, Sep. 26, 2002

I had the privilege of saying good-bye for a brief period of time to our First Lady who's down there in Crawford. She is -- she was born and raised in West Texas. That's kind of like western Oklahoma, not a lot of native trees and not a lot of water.
-- Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, Aug. 29, 2002

I think Jeb and I were touched by what it means to be sitting at a table with a daughter who has said, I've got a responsibility to my mom.
-- Miami, Florida, Jun. 30, 2003

I'm -- I've just come from Washington to here, obviously -- I'm going down to L.A. I wish I came with my wife. I wish she were with me. She has done a fabulous job. I will see her tonight in Crawford, Texas. Well, she'll be the lump in the bed next to me, since I get in at 1:30 a.m. in the morning. But you drew the short straw. Had she come and spoken, you would have had the long straw. She is a -- she's a remarkable person. She has been calm and steady in the face of significant crisis. She can smile, she can listen.
-- A stream-of-consciousness moment in San Francisco, California, Jun. 27, 2003

The country is -- has gotten to know Laura, like I have gotten to know her.
-- Des Moines, Iowa, June 7, 2002

I've been to war. I've raised twins. If I had a choice, I'd rather go to war.
-- Jan. 27, 2002

Anyway, I'm so thankful, and so gracious -- I'm gracious that my brother Jeb is concerned about the hemisphere as well.
-- Miami, Florida, June 4, 2001

I'm glad the First Lady is here. It's an unusual job where all you've got to do is walk down from your living room and come to work. I'm really proud of Laura.
-- White House, Feb. 1, 2001

Families is where our nation finds hope, where wings take dream.
-- LaCrosse, Wisconsin, Oct. 18, 2000

It's important for us to explain to our nation that life is important. It's not only life of babies, but it's life of children living in, you know, the dark dungeons of the Internet.
-- Arlington Heights, Illinois, Oct. 24, 2000

We have struggle to not proceed, but to "precede" to the future of a nation's child.
-- Journal Gazette, Nov. 12, 2000

I think it's important for those of us in a position of responsibility to be firm in sharing our experiences, to understand that the babies out of wedlock is a very difficult chore for mom and baby alike. ... I believe we ought to say there is a different alternative than the culture that is proposed by people like Miss Wolf in society. ... And, you know, hopefully, condoms will work, but it hasn't worked.
-- Meet the Press, Nov. 21, 1999

Laura and I really don't realize how bright our children is sometimes until we get an objective analysis.
-- CNBC, April 15, 2000

Well, you know, it's hard to make people love one another. I wish I knew the law because I would darn sure sign it. I wish I knew the law that said all of us would be good parents.
-- Presidential debate, St. Louis, Missouri, Oct. 17, 2000

The best way to relieve families from time is to let them keep some of their own money.
-- Westminster, California, Sept. 13, 2000

You're working hard to put food on your family.
-- Greater Nashua Chamber of Commerce (New Hampshire), Jan. 27, 2000

Posted by Eric at 1:01 AM EDT
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