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Thursday, 4 November 2004
Republicans take over the US
Mood:  chatty
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Topic: News
So, sometime around 2 EST Kerry finally gave up and gave the election to Bush. Well, it was more like Kerry's advisors told him that the provisional and absentee ballots weren't going to have an impact in his winning Ohio and so he decided to exit a little more gracefully than Gore. Personally, I'm ok with Bush winning this time because he had the popular vote. I mean, he beat Kerry by 3 million! In an election where not too many people turn out, that's a pretty nice win. It certainly isn't a landslide, but it is impressive considering that fact that most people thought it would be a repeat of 2000.

Yet there are still some people whose votes will not count. I'm talking about the three states still coloured white - at least they were still white around 7 when I last took in some news. Essentially, there is no point in tabulating the votes there other than for curiosity's sake. Since they would have not given Kerry enough electoral votes to win even if they had all gone to him, they are inconsequential.

But how does that make the people of those states feel? Just because the other states were tabulated first doesn't mean that these states shouldn't count - and yet that's what it means. If I lived there I would be a little peeved that no one in the media was talking about their state - especially when they are Florida close.

Another election time surprise were all of the amendments to the state constitutions that passed banning gay marriage. The federal amendment didn't have a leg to stand on, but these other states were able to get prohibitionary bills passed. I'm surprised that people in these states didn't shoot the measures down. But then again, a lot of the places that added this to their constitution are states that don't have a large gay concentration so there's no one to protest or just vote against it.

Well, I must sleep for class tomorrow - my pillow beckons and I must answer the call

Posted by Eric at 1:32 AM EST
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