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Thursday, 9 December 2004
FC3 is pretty sweet
Mood:  chatty
Topic: Linux
It took quite a few hours on the crappy computer I've put Linux on for helping my university evaluate whether they can replace Windows with Linux in our department, but I finally got Fedora Core 3 installed and running. I have to say, I like the improvements. Granted, I haven't had time to test drive the sucker because as soon as the install was over this morning I had to go to an exam, but when I got back I fiddled around with it a little and I like what I see so far!

First of all, Mozilla's Firefox is now the default browser instead of Mozilla. This is a huge improvement and I love Firefox, so I'm glad it's the default browser now. Also, the KDE interface is a LOT cleaner. How is it cleaner? Well, for one, the icons on the taskbar are smaller and cleaner looking. Second, they've recategorized nearly all of the menus into a more comprehensive style. Before I felt they were too segmented, now everything is perfect. I haven't been able to try out much else, but I'll certainly be throwing this puppy onto my laptop.

Also, I just realized that the "I can't find your soundcard" dialogue didn't pop up. Do they now have support for my onboard soundcard? That would be great!

I love the work they do - switch to Opensource today! (unless you are heavily dependant upon photoshop...)

Posted by Eric at 2:03 PM EST
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