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Tuesday, 14 December 2004
Quotes....I'm so backed up on these....
Mood:  chatty
Topic: Quotes
"You have no control over tao 2. What are you going to do? Talk to God?" - Prof Pollock

"I'm not even an LED today, I'm a tungsten bulb" - Prof Pollock saying his lecture is incoherent

"10^34 Photons? No that's impossible! 10^21 photons!" - Prof Pollock

"My work is in your book and the author didn't reference me. I was kinda ticked." Prof Pollock

Posted by Eric at 10:58 AM EST
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Monday, 13 December 2004
Microsoft, you can try to fight...but you won't win....
Mood:  chatty
Topic: News
This is a pretty interesting news story. Apparently Linux use in Europe is even higher than in the US.

Wired: Spaniards Consider Putting on Tux
May 9, 2003, 18 :00 UTC (8 Talkback[s]) (4057 reads)
(Other stories by Michelle Delio)

"Spain's Juan Alberto Belloch is running for office on the 'Linux platform'--betting his political future on the power and appeal of open-source software.

"Belloch, candidate for mayor of Zaragoza, plans to build a network of 'Open Cities' across Spain, each with its own team of technical experts charged with developing open-source software for use within the city and throughout the country.

"Belloch also plans to turn the province of Aragon into an international showcase for the benefits of open-source development. Zaragoza is the capital city of Aragon..."

Posted by Eric at 12:53 PM EST
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Saturday, 11 December 2004
FC3 - all upgrades can't be perfect..
Mood:  chatty
Topic: Linux
There IS one bad thing with the upgrade to Linux Fedora Core 3 although I'm not sure if it affects users with a fresh install: yum doesn't have the corret GPG key to download updates. Just use this one: /usr/share/rhn/RPM-GPG-KEY-fedora in the command they tell you to do, something like RPM --import GPG

fill in /usr/share/rhn/RPM-GPG-KEY-fedora for the GPG-Key should be self explanatory....

Posted by Eric at 12:09 AM EST
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Thursday, 9 December 2004
FC3 is pretty sweet
Mood:  chatty
Topic: Linux
It took quite a few hours on the crappy computer I've put Linux on for helping my university evaluate whether they can replace Windows with Linux in our department, but I finally got Fedora Core 3 installed and running. I have to say, I like the improvements. Granted, I haven't had time to test drive the sucker because as soon as the install was over this morning I had to go to an exam, but when I got back I fiddled around with it a little and I like what I see so far!

First of all, Mozilla's Firefox is now the default browser instead of Mozilla. This is a huge improvement and I love Firefox, so I'm glad it's the default browser now. Also, the KDE interface is a LOT cleaner. How is it cleaner? Well, for one, the icons on the taskbar are smaller and cleaner looking. Second, they've recategorized nearly all of the menus into a more comprehensive style. Before I felt they were too segmented, now everything is perfect. I haven't been able to try out much else, but I'll certainly be throwing this puppy onto my laptop.

Also, I just realized that the "I can't find your soundcard" dialogue didn't pop up. Do they now have support for my onboard soundcard? That would be great!

I love the work they do - switch to Opensource today! (unless you are heavily dependant upon photoshop...)

Posted by Eric at 2:03 PM EST
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Wednesday, 8 December 2004
yeah, I'm a nerd....
Mood:  chatty
Topic: random
Do you want to know why I'm a nerd? I'll tell you why! Because I'm excited that Fedora Core 3 has been released. That's an upgrade to the version of Linux that I use. I love upgrades, as I mentioned before when talking about Trillian. It's like getting something new, but still the same old thing. You get to have improvements on what you're using and these improvements are usually pretty exciting. You can use bit torrent to get it by going here -> If you don't know what bit torrent is, you're missing out! Basically it's a form of peer to peer filesharing where the file you download is initiated by a link on a webpage instead of searching for it. It's pretty interesting stuff - also, to ensure that the file is always there, there are sometimes computers which are servers functioning as always connected peers. If you don't want to be technological, use the mirrors:
And navigate to Fedora Core 3 or FC3. It's supposed to introduce a LOT of new fixes and cool stuff. So go check it out!

I'm also excited because I just got an awesome Logitech Keyboard with a dozen or so programmable keys on the keyboard. I've been wanting one for quite some time so that I can control my volume, tracks, etc. I really like it a lot.

Also in my life: I'm finally done with my business plan and, although it got stressful near the end, it was a lot of fun. I wouldn't mind actually pursuing that business.

Tomorrow an exam and then 2 more projects to finish plus 2 more exams. On top of all that - a job interview on Friday that I have to fly out to on Thursday.

Four more hours until the download is done...good...I need to get some studying done.....


(This is one reason why linux is more fun than Win - there are only Windows updates every 3 or more years and they cost $$$$)

Posted by Eric at 7:25 PM EST
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Saturday, 4 December 2004
if that last post wasn't enough.....
Mood:  loud
Topic: The Web
Andrew's personal favorite:

Posted by Eric at 10:01 PM EST
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Magical Trevor
Mood:  energetic
Topic: The Web
Want to go nuts or just take a break from your school work? Then visit this...but I'm not liable if you go mad......

Posted by Eric at 9:37 PM EST
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Friday, 3 December 2004
dead eric day #5
Mood:  celebratory
Topic: dead eric day
Yay! It's the last day of class for the semester....oh wait, I still have crap to do....and a LOT of it....

(More Brighton beach footage...)

Posted by Eric at 2:44 AM EST
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Thursday, 2 December 2004
Time for Some More Quotes
Mood:  chatty
Now Playing: "Ven Que Tengo Mambo" (Remix) - La Banda Gorda
Topic: Quotes
"As the RPG gods have smiled upon him, he'll get a chance to make that far-flung dream a reality" - Gamespy FFXII Preview

"Engineers find the letter q sexy, that's why all these variables are q's" - Prof Pollock

"I'm so glad we caught Cat Stevens; I can sleep at night now" John Stewart

Pollock's Interpretation of Thermo Dynamics
0th - The best you can do is come out even
1st - You're gonna lose
2nd - You've gotta play the game

"I hate Bill Gates" - Prof Tiwari

Posted by Eric at 12:28 AM EST
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Wednesday, 1 December 2004
Mood:  chatty
Topic: random
I just realized that I forgot to publicly say how proud I am of my little brother, David. He has made it to black belt after years of dedication to Tai Kwon Do. He even had to register with the state as a deadly person. I'm very proud of him.

In other news - from tomorrow until my birthday it is going to be snowing. Hopefully this doesn't get too annoying because a lot of it is going to be PM snow, so the Cornell Snow Plows may not get to it until the next day.

Finally, things are crazy right now with a lot of work to do from now until 13 dec, but I'm happy that the semester is finally coming to an end. This one has really eroded me. Only five things have kept me going.
1) Meditation - meditation (TM, especially) helps to reverse the body's entropy.
2) Sleep - so the body can repair DNA errors and muscle tears that have occured during the day
3) Exercise - while over-exercise releases body-eroding acid, exercise at the right level helps to rejuvinate the body and remove some of the negative effects of stress
4) Green Drink - I haven't been drinking it every day, but I have noticed that the green drink, containing a good amount of the energy from the sun, have given me a bit of a boost. Additionally, the alkalinity of the green drink helps to neutralize the acid that comes from stress, certain foods, sugars, and other sources.
5) God - I feel that God has basically provided me with two benefits. First of all, peace of mind because I know that everything sorts itself out in the end. Second, all of the other benefits I listed in 1-4, I believe were made better by God, although I have no direct proof of this. I think that being connected to God, however, does help the increase the benefits of meditation, exercise, etc

Posted by Eric at 9:22 AM EST
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