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Friday, 20 February 2004
Mood:  chillin'
Topic: other blogs
Check out Dan's Blog for 18 Feb. Deep stuff.

Posted by Eric at 10:59 PM EST
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Thursday, 19 February 2004
with about an hour left
Mood:  chatty
Topic: News
I suddenly realized, with just an hour left, that I hadn't blogged today. I've gone since mid-December only having missed 2 days and both of them were accidental. So I have to write something, but what do I write?

Ah, yes...I remember what I wanted to write about this morning. Recently there have been an increasing number of allegations of rape by the University of Colorado's football team. One was by a female who was a kicker for the team around 2001. Others have been raped at parties thrown by the football team.

Today on MSNBC some female students at the college were interviewed about the party-based rapes. Granted that the reporters were trying to make a journalistic point, all the girls that they interviewed said that everyone knows what type of parties go on with the football players and that most of the girls that attend those parties go there to have sex. So they employed the, "they were asking for it," line. It was interesting to hear this from other girls. I thought that they would stick together against rape.

I believe that rape is the worst thing that can happen to anyone, male or female. It's a horrible and devastating act. No one deserves to be raped at all no matter what they do. It's an evil thing and rapists should be castrated. (Assuming that it's 100% sure they were the rapist)

That having been said, here's what I think about the two disjoint issues. For the football player girl, I think that she purposely put herself into a bad situation. Playing on the male football team is, to jocks, like being emasculated so they constantly have to assert their manliness. Unfortunately, one way to do that is to force someone to submit to you. This includes rape. (It's the same phenomenon that perpetuates racisms...perhaps I'll go into that one day)

So, while she definitely didn't deserve to get raped, I think that she should have known that there was risk involved. Typically coaches are also against this and only tolerate it so that they don't look like bigots. That causes the situation to be even more dangerous because they're more likely to turn the other way when something happens.

As far as the parties go, that's an entirely different situation. I think that people at a party expect that with so many people around in a "public" place that they'll be safe. However, people should know that intoxication mixed with lots of flirting can cause problems. I think the problem here is not the girls, but the "system" of the college party. Getting drunk and going off to a room is a common action for a lot of people and it tends to lead to bad things 90% of the time. However, people will always drink and do stupid things afterwards (not all people...but those that do drink) and so they should realize that the time to sleep with someone (if they like sleeping randomly - colloquially referred to as a party slut) then they should maybe do it when both parties are sober or at least not with the party atmosphere.

Again, let me reiterate that regardless of the signals one sends or the situation that they get into, no one deserves to get raped. However, people should not be naive and expect that because no one should get raped that no one does. Therefore they should take steps to distance themselves from such situations as much as they can.

There you go, a step away from the banality of my last few posts. Feel free to post comments...hopefully I explained things enough that you don't think I'm an insensitive bastard. I did say 2 or 3 times that rape is evil and that no one should ever be raped under any circumstances.

Posted by Eric at 11:17 PM EST
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Wednesday, 18 February 2004
Quotes are here!
Mood:  chatty
Now Playing: "Transcend" - Every Day Life
Topic: Quotes
More quotes...this is almost becoming a Sheely Quote section...he's just so quotable!

"Screw MOS, we're done with MOS" - Prof Sheely

"The Law of the the Junction Rules!" - Prof Sheely

"Did I walk out of my office without my notes? Yup. I'll do it from memory, I've seen it once before. But I won't write equations because I can't remember those" - Prof Sheely

Posted by Eric at 9:12 PM EST
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Tuesday, 17 February 2004
w00t! New posters!
Mood:  happy
Now Playing: "On Distant Shores" - Five Iron Frenzy
Topic: random
I got two new posters for my room:

A theatre poster for Akira and a Speed Racer poster with the usual picture of Speed in the Mach 5 taking a turn and sporting his usual q:-O look.

They look pretty neat. Once I get my Megatokyo posters, I'll put some shots up on the site.

Posted by Eric at 8:29 PM EST
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Monday, 16 February 2004
Mood:  happy
Now Playing: "Chapstick" - Relient K
Topic: Site Info
Alright, #300!!

I'd like to use this post to update those of you new to my blog as to peculiarities of the blog.

1)To post a comment - click on "post comment" and then keep clicking on "post comment" and/or continue until you get to the "post" button (as opposed to a link) only after you've pushed that button will it be submitted. Then give it some time for me to approve of it and it'll be up.

2)To see a comment - this is a little counter-intuitive - click on "post comment" if it has a number>0 by it.

3)To link to one of my posts, simply right-click "link to this post" and copy that URL and use that in your HTML

4)To see only posts from a certain topic, click on a topic on the right bar

5)My first post is 2 Nov (in case you want to begin at the beginning)

6)Feel free to link to me or my posts, I can use all the traffic you can throw at me.

7)On the other hand, please don't just copy and paste my stuff onto your site, if possible. If you need to or REALLY want to, then please provide a link to my page underneath

8)My email is

9)My AIM SN is ericsbinaryworld

10)Visit my website to see my artwork

I think that's it. Thanks a lot for all of you repeat visitors. According to my stats I get about 60 people a day who read this. I know that some of you may be counted twice if you do it from different computers, but that's still really cool. I really love that you guys come back day after day.

Finally, support my friends if you happen to like the way that they write. I reccommend the blogs of Carlos, Dave and Danny. You may also want to check out Dina's but she just started so it may take her a while to get into the groove. Hopefully she is able to stick it through.

Posted by Eric at 11:31 PM EST
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To he who posted under the pseudonym Anonimity Rules
Mood:  chatty
Now Playing: "At least I'm not like all those other old guys" - FIF
Topic: Site Info
Your frustration at the post not appearing immediately on my blog stems from a very simple fact. I moderate all of my posts. Some would call it screening, but as you see, I let your post go through and I have let all of them go through thus far. It's mostly just so that I know that a comment has posted because there's no other way for me to know other than to go through every single post and see if someone commented. So, in the future, just like with abduction cases wait 24 hours before panicking. q;o)

ps - anonimity does indeed rule...too bad it's slowly being eroded, but that's a topic for another post.

Posted by Eric at 10:53 PM EST
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Mood:  irritated
Topic: Site Info
Grr...freakin' tripod messing up again. I have to remember not to make my posts so close to each other to avoid the silly error that happens. The Al Sharpton post should be after the quotes.

On a brighter note....2 posts away from #300!! (counting the 300th one)

Posted by Eric at 6:20 PM EST
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new blog!
Mood:  happy
Topic: other blogs
My sister-in-law-to-be, Dina, has a new blog, DNA - not dioxiribunucleic Acid. Check it out. The link is now also on the left. She just created it so it may not have substance for an hour or two.

Posted by Eric at 5:42 PM EST
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Up to my eyeballs in quotes....
Mood:  chatty
Now Playing: "Some Fantastic" - Barenaked Ladies
Topic: Quotes
"That's what Gauss' Law says...if you believe it" - Prof Sheely

"The next time someone's phone goes of in class I want you to get up and dance. If you do that I won't have a problem with it." - Prof Sheely

"Nowadays everything is close enough for gov't work. They've got the Mother Of All Bombs" - Prof Sheely

"I still have my sliderule" - Prof Fine

Posted by Eric at 3:44 PM EST
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Mood:  chatty
Now Playing: "The Party Song" - Blink182
Topic: News
Wow, Al Sharpton actually took second place in the DC primaries after Kerry. It's the first, and only, place where he's even been on the scoreboard. That's really sad for the other candidates that they couldn't even beat the "joke" candidate. Oh well, better for Sharpton.

Posted by Eric at 3:24 PM EST
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