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Monday, 14 June 2004
Mood:  surprised
Topic: Summer General
Gah! How did this happen? June's halfway over! I'm 15 days closer to captivity at Cornell again! Must hurry and take advantage of summer to do things....

Posted by Eric at 8:09 AM EDT
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Blog ADD
Mood:  sad
Topic: other blogs
Sad is not really the right emotion for this post, but it's close enough. It seems funny that I, who is forever jumping from project to project, have stuck with blogging while others who began at the same time or a little earlier have already grown tired with the process. I think it's just because I love writing and I love for my creations to have exposure, but I'm not sure. It started with my brother, Dave, who quit about a month after starting.
Now Daniel seems to have quit, at least that's what it seems like from his last post. I'll be removing his link from the left-hand side, but you can access it here for as long as the service keeps it alive.
Also Maceria is no longer in Taiwan so her blog is now "over" beacuse it was a blog devoted to her time in Taiwan. Of course, this is slightly different because the purpose of the blog is now over.

At any rate, the bar on the left will be getting a bit shorter.

Posted by Eric at 8:06 AM EDT
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A very short poem
Mood:  chillin'
Topic: Poetry (Prose)
What's worse:
Seeing each other a few times?
Seeing each other often, but having to say goodbye a dozen times?
The pain of leaving your beautiful face is huge
but the inverse - seeing you again - is just as large.
It's part of the nature of this binary world.

Posted by Eric at 7:53 AM EDT
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Thursday, 10 June 2004
Musical Quotes Today
Mood:  chatty
Topic: Quotes
I love when rap makes you think...

"...will I feel out of place? Foreign like I was Israeli?"
-GRITS - 'I'm Getting Ready'

" can call me origami watch as I unfold..."
-Knowdaverbs - 'US Open' (cameo on GRITS CD)

Posted by Eric at 7:59 AM EDT
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Wednesday, 9 June 2004
#400 - Quotes!
Mood:  celebratory
Topic: Quotes
Alright, I've reached 400 posts in 222 days or 1.8 posts per day. This is much lower than the average posts per day before last semester got into full swing. Additionally my inability to access the internet at home (meaning that I have to use it for a few minutes a day at work) means that I can't spend the time and effort that I want in posts. Additionally, not having cable also keeps me from knowing what's going on in the world. Hopefully the cable mess will be fixed today and the internet by the 18th of June.

But wait - this is a quotes post so here's the quote:

"You know the world is going crazy when the best rapper is a white guy, the best golfer is a black guy, the tallest guy in the NBA is Chinese, the Swiss hold the America's Cup, France is accusing the U.S. of arrogance, Germany doesn't want to go to war, and the three most powerful men in America are named 'Bush', 'Dick', and 'Colon'. Need I say more?"
-Chris Rock

Posted by Eric at 9:21 AM EDT
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Tuesday, 8 June 2004
As I inch towards #400....
Mood:  chatty
Topic: Summer General
I learned something today that I didn't know. The word snafu - you know, "the wedding was such a snafu - everything went wrong". I'd never used the word, to me it's a very California or rich person snippity thing to say, but I've heard it and you probably have too. It's also a popular word in tv and movie scripts portraying gays. Well, this is really interesting, because I found out that the word isn't actually a word - it's an acronym! It's just gone the way of "phat" which stands for "pretty, hot, and tempting". (Another example that's almost there but people still know the meaning of is "milf") Most people use it without knowing the real meaning behind the word. Well, enough suspense - here's the meaning of the acronym snafu -situation normal all f----d up. No wonder people use the acronym; it removes all vulgar connotations from the word.


edit: added the missing "s" word in snafu. Oops...hope it makes more sense now

Posted by Eric at 12:28 PM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 9 June 2004 1:22 PM EDT
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Deliciously Funny Quotes
Mood:  chatty
Topic: Quotes
Today's quotes come from two articles blasting abbreviations and the companies that fuddle them.

About AT&T and their new campaign emphasizing the &:

"Thank goodness they've reminded us it's American Telephone AND Telegraph. Mustn't forget the highly profitable telegraph division."

"But this company didn't need a new graphic. It already has its Death Star globe, which has years and years of built-up brand equity."

About TCBY:

"Way back during the mid-1980s frozen yogurt wars, there was a chain called I Can't Believe It's Yogurt, which sued competing chain TCBY because the letters stood for This Can't Be Yogurt. Unperturbed, TCBY deftly shifted its underlying name to The Country's Best Yogurt, kept the well-established abbreviation, and went on its merry yogurt-peddling way. (Few of us now remember the third fro-yo warrior, YSCCMTTIIFY, which stood for: You Simply Cannot Convince Me That This Is in Fact Yogurt!)"

about YM:

"YM magazine was once Young Miss, then became Young and Modern, and is now Your Magazine. Frankly, those all suck--the last just as much as the first. Your Magazine? Could there be a blander title? Why not call it Hey, Here You Go, Have a Magazine?"

-All by Seth Stevenson, Slate Columnist

Posted by Eric at 12:20 PM EDT
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Almost there....
Mood:  not sure
Topic: Summer General
I will have internet access, according to the cable company, on 18 June. These guys better not mess up. Of course, it's made worse by the fact that they need to "install" the modem. Why can't they just ask me if I'm young enough to know how to install this stuff? Anyone in college or younger who's spent time with computers or on the internet can pretty much figure it out. The diagrams that come with the modem are pretty self-explanatory if you need them. But no, with their vague "we'll be there between 9 and 5" I have to take time out of my schedule to be there. Why can't we have comcast, time warner, or brighthouse cable? Instead we have some Blue Ridge Cable. Blech!

On the happy side, though, people are still visiting my server. You can click on the link on the left or write down In fact, even with people out of school and without much new content in the past few weeks, we've had 57 visits. Of course, the most exciting part of the whole ordeal is that I was visited by the Googlebot! That's right! I now have the possibility of showing up on Google. Perhaps it shows what I nerd I am inside, but that makes me very happy and excited as if I'd won some kind of prize. So check out the videos and other fun things you can find on my server. I'd love to have so many people visit that it actually gives the "server busy" warning. So don't delay....

Posted by Eric at 8:31 AM EDT
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Thursday, 3 June 2004
Congrats Bro, Congrats!
Mood:  happy
Topic: Family
Big congrats to my brother, Dan, who is most likely getting the prestigious NSA scholarship. All he's waiting for is clearance so unless they take to heart any of his blog posts about Bush or mine - he's pretty much in the clear. Any way, the NSA is party-independent: they have to exist no matter who's in office and they work through many presidencies. Neither he nor I said anything that inflammatory - just the typical criticisms of some dissapointed young men.

Posted by Eric at 1:33 PM EDT
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Mood:  irritated
Topic: Summer General
Apparently if you're over 20k miles from the switching station you can't get DSL and I'm like 20.1k miles away so I can't get it. Too bad no one said anything when I was ordering it! So now it'll be about 2 wks before we can get some cable internet setup. Until then I've got some limited surfing that I can do at work. Everything else is going to have to wait. Grr....

Posted by Eric at 1:10 PM EDT
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