Happy New Years
Jan1,1999, Happy New Years everyone......hope you all had a good time. We hung around home, played cards and darts and monopoly.....well, shot of tequilla monopoly (not recommended :-) anyway, back to the grind, huh? Exercising,which I did......okay it was cleaning the big mess in my house... but hey it was something, I will get to 135 this year. I will exercise so I dont look like a playdoh doll......and I will try and be the best that I can be.......for me, my family and my friends......Hey! I got some wedding pics from Lori my sis......thanks Lori! I am going to work on my wedding album page and should be up by the end of the weekend...... Finally......well, see ya all tomorrow
Jan2,1999, Hiya friends, went to the dr today, and looks like Im going to have to go on a different anti anxiety medicine....the one that I am on now is not working too well anymore, and according to the dr that is quite common. So here we go again......I bought some business cards to make for myself for Mary Kay.........figured I could hand them out, and see if I can get any orders like that for now. Other then that, took the tree down, and all of Christmas is past.......Back to dieting and exercising and becoming a better me.....Love ya all, and will work on the wedding picture page later tonight........see ya tomorrow
Jan4,1999, Hiya friends,didnt get a chance to post yesterday,server was down most of the day, and then when it came back on, Tripod was down....better anyway, I had a very bad day yesterday...Rich and I arent even speaking, he walked out last night without a run or saying goodbye...and took alot of clothes with him....I have no idea if he is leaving me.....i dont even know whats wrong, I suppose its me....Im growing, emerging, wanting a full and complete life,and its not what he wants.....I cant go back on the couch and die again.....I feel like a failure. After 7 years of waiting for him to marry him,make me his wife.....all I do is make him angry, dissapointed and miserable....well, maybe we just need some time....they say it heals. I will try and work on the wedding pics today, it just doesnt seem like the thing to do today......see ya all tomorrow
Jan5,1999, Hiya friends,well,Rich and I have spoke some....and I think that I need to change alot to make him happy.....I guess I have been too wrapped up in myself....and just a failure again......anyway, I put up the wedding pics.....so go take a look. I wish I has something good to say, positive, I am sticking to my diet.....I am attempting to exercise, and trying to keep my head together and hope that my marriage isnt over. see ya all later
Jan6,1999, Hiya friends,first I would like to thank you all for all the great letters and support, the compliments on the wedding pictures. You have no idea how much it all means to me. I never was a quitter.....been through too much and worked too hard to get where I am today, liking myself, being happy with the way I look, though it gets hard. I know there are more people out there that have so many more problems then I, and I feel ashamed to say that I fell defeated, sad and simply just dont know what to do. I am going to work this all out. Somehow, life cant be that cruel, and there is a reason for all that happens to us (thanks Diane). Bear with me.....I will get through this all. see ya all tomorrow
Jan7,1999, Happy aniversary to my Mom & Dad....37 years together,always thought that was so perfect. I mean to stay together so long. I know its hard and there are many rollar coaster rides....but why today,(meaning the 90's) is it so very hard? I am so depressed, a feeling that I thought I could fight.....I tried the Paxil today,(the new med that the dr has me on) he says that it will take a month....I hope I can only last that long. I just dont want to eat again, I dont want to use food for a drug, nor do I want to take meds.....I just want to feel happiness without a subsitute to deal with the day....Anyway, I have to add that all the people that care about me are coming out, and staying with me through this all.... and that has to stand for something. I never believed that I had so many friends that care til recently........and without them, I just dont know how I would make it. I have always told you all that I am a survivor. I am strong......I need to hang on to that real tight right now, believe in it and hope that life will change......love ya all
Jan8,1999, Hi friends, still in the same funk here, but taking my Paxil and trying to keep a normal routine....Not sleeping well, and thats taking a toll. I am sticking to my diet, surprising...you would think its a binging time.....but that will just make matters worse. Have faith in me readers......I will get to 135 and get better. Love ya all
Jan9,1999, Feel like the world is crashing in.....all I wanted to do was let out all my feelings, that I have locked up for so many years,and as a consenquence I have hurt Rich, and eventually will hurt my children. I have finally came to a point in my life that I love "me".....and what good is that, if all I do is destroy and hurt. Wondering if I should just go back on the couch to TV land and food.....would that make everyone else happy? Maybe its the meds, taking different ones, seeing what works, but to me, thats an easy way to blame something else except for me. I still dont know if Rich is coming home....the last we talked, he told me that he went into the ditch, and its my fault because of things I have said. Thats a great feeling to have......anyway since this is supposed to be a diet journal and not "Days Of Our Lives" I am eating right, not binging, and trying to stay active. I want to get TaeBae(sic?) it looks like a really good workout, I can tighten up, ang get strong physically......when I can afford it, I will get it......I need to do something. Again, I would like to thank you all for the very supportive letters, it helps so much. Love ya all and see ya tomorrow
Jan10,1999, I am trying to get my head together here, and all I can think is how much I have hurt my husband, all I ever wanted was to be what I always wanted to be.....a writer, go back to school, and be the best I can be. And all I have suceeded at is making everyone miserable......Rich is devasted, I cant even talk to him, because its so hard to get the feelings out that you want to say and make sense, if U can understand that......I think I can do all those things,but Rich feels like he needs to protect me from failing, and I think if I fail, so be it....I have failed so many times in my life before.....one of these days it will happen, and I will go to school, and write that book that I have always wanted to. I wish I could turn this whole journal into a book......though, he thinks its a pipe dream and again the need to protect me from failure.........I am so depresssed friends, and hope the medicine will start workin soon so maybe, just maybe I can feel normal and confident again.....cause all I feel now is that I hurt all I love, because i want to be somebody and love me........I know most of this is probably so boring.....but those who stick with me, and hang in there and send the very comforting letters you are what keeps me going...and I thank U from the bottom of my heart. Love ya, and I will be back to normal soon........see ya tomorrow
Jan11,1999, Hi friends,feeling a little better today, still waiting on the Paxil to kick in,hoping its soon. Rich and I have talked more yesterday and we are starting to communicate better.....and I feel more positive about going to school. I want to see if I can get a grant, or loan, would love to be a councler/social worker. Also wish I could get a job, but being carless right now and living in a town without busses, its a little tough. The MaryKay is kinda on hold right now til Mary (my partner, is feeling better) I dont care if its in a supermarket...I just want to make some money, get out of the house. I also want to write, just a thought friends, what do U think my chances are of getting my journal published???? I think it would be pretty cool.....but give me your honest opinion......I can take it :-). Besides that, my weight is still the same....but at least Im not gaining. I will get to 135! If I dont see any other dreams come true.....this one will!!!!! See ya all tomorrow
Jan13,1999 Still not doing to good.....I havent spoked to Rich since yesterday afternoon.....and everything I have planned out yesterday seems like a pipe dream......I hope this is the new meds, cause friends I am so depressed......I have tried to talk to friends, that I have always been there for...and it all seems like they are too busy at the moment. It hurts, ya know? Anyway, not much to say today......anything I did say would just come out like a pity party, and shame on me. With all that is going on in this sick world of ours today.....my problems are so minor. Guess I am out of it......I just deleted yesterday's entry. Sorry :-( So bear with me, and may you all have peace and love........see ya tomorrow
Jan14,1999 Hey Friends, wish I could say that all is okay today, meds seem to be working better, but other then that, everything else is falling apart. Asking people for rides, trying to get through to Rich on how I feel.. Its all not working. I dont want to call myself a failure anymore... and I wont, just got to keep on trying.....love ya all
Jan15,1999 Rich pulled in last nite......and he will be home til Sunday nite/Mon and we are talking, getting feelings out. My meds seem to be kicking in, although still feeling pretty tired. I think alot of that has to do with all the emotional stress, and I really need to exercise. So, I have a personal message here for Katy, my friend....(me, in my spaced out stage have lost the address......please send it to me again :-) I have been rereading this month's posts, and I have been so down, defeated and really a drag, huh? So I promise no more.....Im back.....and theres no stopping me now. Love ya all & see ya tomorrow
Jan16,1999 Hi friends, beter day today. Scale hasnt moved, but my pants are fitting better and better! Im still getting panicky,but I think Monday before Rich leaves out,Im going to get him to take me to the dr,and see what we can do. Here on the home front, we are talking and it seems to all be going smoothly....well,Rich going back on long haul is going to be tough....but we have been through it before, and Im looking forward to going on our trips again. Still havent seen the northwest yet. Maybe this will be the answer.....we have been so used to long haul.....that the local was the problem. Not sure,I know its me and wanting "Selfish time".......but I need it......have a great night friends, Thank you Katy:-) your a doll. see ya all tomorrow
Jan17,1999 A pretty good day today,went shopping with Tami,which is always an adventure. We must be the most irratating customers......and shoppers, being that we are from the city and cant handle all the slowness up here at times......anyway,it was a "Loreal day" you know, Im worth it.. finally got our hot water heater working and I must have bought 50 gallons of bubble bath, all my aromatheraphy candles, and new panties and bras (my newest obsession). My scale is not moving, but the clothes look better and better....and honestly I feel like I can say I am "all that and a bag of chips!" LOL. No, just feeling better......and Im going to exercise tomorrow. Really.....I know I have said that before, but this time I am, really......see ya all tomorrow
Jan18,1999 Okay sitting here with dye on my hair.....praying it will come out okay, since still carless in Pa.....I had to buy a store brand, but again It was Loreal (and Im worth it :-) the buzzer just went off, so I better go rinse......just wanted to say hi, I exercised!!!!!! well, house cleaning with weights......it does burn. feeling better and love ya all
Jan19,1999 Hey friends. No exercise today, kids had a delay so I kinda slept in,, and then by the time I got up, I had too much to do.....I know, no excuse.... theres always tomorrow as Scarlett O Hara would say ;-). I always loved her. Today my daughter was christened into a ceratin church.(Rather keep it "certain" ) Anyway, its not what I believe in at all....but she seemed so happy with it all, and maybe her behavior will change. I hope that I made the right decision,I can look at it that at least she will be with good kids....and have morals and values that she has to live up to. Besides that Rich is off to the midwest, Nebraska..kinda weird with him on long haul again....though maybe its what we need. See ya all tomorrow
Jan20,1999 Happy Birthday to my dad and my nephew Robert. I really miss my dad today, they live in Florida, and I know that I have been hurt about the wedding and christmas, but I really miss him and the phone just dont seem like enough. Other then that, another boring day, well I did go out with Tami for awhile, but not having a car is driving me insane!! I remember all the times I didnt have one,and I never minded. I used to just sit here and eat anyway......hated to go anywhere, hated people looking at me, feeling ashamed. What damage we do to ourselves when we do that. If only I could of looked past the fat and saw ME...maybe I wouldnt have been so ashamed. see ya all tomorrow
Jan21,1999 Hi friends, made a mistake yesterday,my nephew Robert's bday wasnt yesterday its Sunday.....great Aunt, huh? Not sure if its the rain, or me....but I am feeling pretty down. I wish I could get to the dr, but it doesnt seem like I can get a ride. Do you ever feel like a big sucker sometimes????? I mean, I have always been the person to bend over backwards, give my last dime to anyone.....and when you need help, there is none to be found..... Still, I cant find it my heart to change...ya know, be all hard and tough. It was never me, and it would feel so phony. I don't know why Im even talking about this.....just feel incredibly lonely today, depressed, and just simply sad.....as far as the diet goes ( I got to keep remembering that this is a diet journal) its going,Im not losing scale wise, but I feel inches are coming off, the clothes fitting better. Yesterday I went to walmart with Tami and they had a denim skirt on sale (3$ cant beat that) and I just grabbed a size 8 without trying it on,,,,and hey guess what? It was loose.......needed a belt! So, I just am going to keep trying and really get into a good exercise routine once these meds level out and I feel normal again. (Same day,I just had to add that 2 very special friends, they know who they are.....were there for me when I needed them........Thanks Niki and Skip :-)
Jan22,1999 Hi friends, Still feeling pretty down. Old story, I know.....so maybe we will just skip today's post and save us all from my pity party.. see ya all later
Jan23,1999 Hi friends,a little better today, actually saw a movement in the scale! another pound, so down to 145....10 more to go. Scary and thrilling all the same if you can make any sense in that. I was counting on going to the dr tomorrow,Rich will be home tonight....and it was the only way I could get there tomorrow. Of course he has no hours tomorrow. Carless really sucks for lack of a better word......Got my MaryKay stuff in yesterday.....I have to all organize it and all, and all I can think is what a waste of a 100$....I could of had two hotel jobs, and again no car.....no job, no money. I got to get off this...think more positive. So I guess I will get it together, and make some business cards up and see what happens, I could give them to my friends to give out......I got to keep striving, cant go back on the couch. See ya all tomorrow.
Jan25,1999 Hi friends,I didnt get a chance to write yesterday, it was Rich's only day home and I had to get all my errands done and go to Tami's son birthday party.I went to the dr and he put me on xanex...which I have to say is making me feel calmer, though the depression is still there. I still have another 6 weeks maybe for the Paxil to kick in. This is pretty cool though....I got on the scale, and he say Okay, 174! Well I almost had a heart attack.....LOL, told him "NO, check it again........and he adjusted his bifocals and he say ooops......144, sorry about that, Im not used to weighing in "thin" people" That had to make my day hearing him say that. A dr called me a thin person.......cool, for lack of a better word.... Besides that I bought a book about prescription pills and all that, I had no idea what kind of meds I really was on...and how very mind altering they were, might as well have been on acid....I guess I have to admit that I wasnt "myself" at all, and have to work real hard to get back there. I was even having sucidal thoughts from time to time......scary. Got to just keep hanging in there......just want to feel normal, happy, ya know? They can send men to the moon, and damn they cant figure out how to treat depression...........unbelievable. See ya all tomorrow
Jan26,1999 Hi friends,feeling better, but still having problems getting moving... It takes me around 2 hours after I wake up to get moving.....guess I still have to play the waiting game. My appetite is decreasing (never a problem...to me) wonder why they dont use this stuff as diet pills? Guess what, they do! Merida,that all new miracle drug, is an antidepressant..... one that is very common, just a new name for it....Doesnt that anger you? Lets make as much money as we can from fat women.....they will fall for anything. Maybe I have no right saying this......but friends, I do not believe in diet pills, miracle diets, special herbs or vitimains, I, believe in WILLPOWER,Determination, and most important belief in yourself......dont fall for the money hungry schemes, plots.....fall in love with U.......okay off the soapbox, just had to say that. Just heard the other day that again another friend of mine is being abused......I am so sick of this......not sick that it is happening to the friend, that it is all I am hearing lately.....and I do all I can to help. I know I have no official "Paper" but I have the life experience.....been there, done that, know what they feel......and know what they will feel like afterwards when they do realize that they dont deserve it....and they are worth more then that.....its like I always say to them, you need to look in the mirror and like what you see on the outside as well as the inside, and once you do......the strength, power and belief in yourself will shine through...........see ya all tomorrow
Jan27,1999 Today might as well be midnight, meaning its a very dark day. Thats what I meant about saying one day the meds feel like they are working, and today I feel like dissapearing into the river. I got a call from the bank this morning, and for the first time in 8 years I was overdrawn, Thank goodness they paid it, they know me, and they know Rich's company has automatic deposit tomorrow, but still I somehow seemed to lose 300 dollars in stash that I always keep.....and just feel so bad that I did this. I know, this is no big deal......how many of us have bounced a check before? Though today it is like a bomb fell on the house.......that feeling that again, Rose you are a total failure at everything.........Ihave to stop writing, this is not helping, and Im sure you all are getting so bored of this up and down.......love you, see ya tomorrow
Jan28,1999 Well the bank fiasco is okay for now, still have that missing 300 dollars from my stash....but there really isnt anything I can do about it. I did my first MaryKay makeover last nite for a friend of mine,have to say I did a pretty good job. Didnt get a sell, but maybe a class out of it... hoping on it. I still feel weird, depressed......but Im losing. Another pound this morning.....143. Clothes are looser. Actually Im not even thinking about it anymore.....just going through the day is a hurdle, thinking about dieting.......too much to concentrate on. I always hear women saying that if they can only lose weight......everything would be so much better. I have to admit,its not. Maybe you look better, feel good that you can get into a size 7 jeans, get looks from men that would never look at you before......but it doesnt change a thing. Not life anyway.Yes, I can say Im thin, I look good...but I still am suffering, suffer from depression, self doubt,and life isnt rose colored glasses. Whats my point here? That diet for yourself, for your health......but dont think that life will be all better just because your thin. Thats why I think so many of us gain it back, cause their life didnt get better..they just got thin.......see ya tomorrow
Jan29,1999 Yesterday was my 2nd month aniversary and all Rich and I did was fight on the phone and left it as, maybe this marriage is falling apart. Its midnight here.....not meaning the time, just the feeling......Rich is out on the truck busting his butt to provide for us, and I do nothing, nothing meaning I am having too many friends here to eat,spending money that I shouldnt, (meaning the MaryKay thing, and other really not important stuff)so I am once again being uncaring, selfish, (depression is also known as a "selfish diease"......I dont know what to do friends. I want to keep fighting.....to get pass this all, and then I dont. I always get letters from people telling me how inspirational I am....and that I have helped them.....and look at me now, I am falling apart everyday. Dieting is a breeze......its called hardly eating. Thats not right either. Its only going to put me in the hospital eventually.....I am really praying here that this is just the meds messing me up because they havent kicked in, and then again Im scared that its just real feelings......sucidal,worthlessness, failure, and hopelessness........maybe tomorrow I will wake up and be Rose again....(the woman who finally liked herself, who had a goal and acheived it, who is happy......)
Jan30,1999 Well, I can saythat I am feeling better today,and maybe I will feel better tomorrow too....so I am feeling alittle more positive. I had to chance to do another friends make over with the MaryKay, and I have to say I did a pretty good job :-). Now if only I can make this work.....I might have a good future with this. As far as the problems at home, another hurdle to get over. I would like to thank you all for the letters, support and kind words sent to me during this hard time......I love you all, and will continue to stay on my goals.......thanks for sticking with me all.......see ya tomorrow,

The Song Playing Is "I Got Friends in Low Places (dedicated to all my "loyal and true friends")

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