I love September,

Sept1,1999 Well no champagne this morning, still in the fridge, just day-quil for this never ending damn cold. Though, What a GREAT DAY!!!!!!! Quiet, peaceful, and serene. My little creatures are back to school! Did the Walmart thing, and didnt have to spend that much, which is good. Had Rich home again, he is leaving out tonight so it was just pleasant. Tomorrow its back to getting the house in shape and me.... alot of time to get them tapes out and get to it! So talk to you all tomorrow with hopefully the good news that the exercise queen has made a comeback......
Sept2,1999 Ok, sort of a comeback, well not really but on the way. Cleaned the house all day, did lots of running up and down the stairs, made a point of doing that. By the time I was done this stupid cold got the better of me, and I was wasted.....then of course the children came home, Andrea was in a great mood, Keith, well he hates school, hates 5th grade.....the reason behind this? Some "big 8th grader knocked me down and didnt even say he was sorry" I can relate.....poor kid, doesnt even realize that is the story of life. So not much to talk about today, I hate this cold.....oh, thanks all for such nice entries in my guestbook, just like old times....talk to you all tomorrow
Sept3,1999 Today Im mad....why? Cause first I have a gain! Will talk about that later....second, I go to the Walmart just to get trashbags, and wait in line for like 30 minutes cause they only have three registers open and two are blinking lights (trouble with a price) and Im behind this lady with five kids, two are screaming and the other three are just running all over the place, she was in a fog...(must have some good anxiety meds) only to find out that after I checked out and went to my car, I forgot the trashbags....do we all do this? All the tourists are here for the last big weekend at the river...and I cant wait til they go home. So anyway, yes I got the courage and got on the scale....I have gained 5 pounds, not due to that time of the month either, just finished. No..because somewhere I though that it would be perfectly okay to have an icecream once in awhile and a whole entemanns chocolate cake,(couldnt do the champagne, cause of this cold....so whats the next best thing? cake) Needless to say, I need a vice grip to zip up my 5's that I was so proud to get in, and Im pissed. So, no more ice cream, no more cake, no more chocolate, no more! Did I exercise today? No......what the hell is wrong with me? Well since I have to practice what I preach, which is forgiveness when we slip up...I must excuse this outlandish behavior and get back to the diet thing and the exercise thing....man, to be blunt this sucks. See ya tomorrow.....
Sept4,1999 Took a bunch of weight off today! Not fat, just finacial burdens.... we went to see a lawyer, pretty cool for these parts and not only did we fix up his puter, but our worries are over. I hate that I had to file bankruptcy, but our debts were overwhelming and we tried and tried to pay them off but were not getting anywhere. The judgement by Mr & Mrs Ex stupid landlords was the final straw.....they could of took everything I own for lies and BS. Even our lawyer said the he was a "prick" not my language, his...and that it was fixed and shouldnt of been tried in their town. Anyway, they are done. Life is starting all over again, and yes I know it follows you....but my credit was destroyed anyway. So Monday, Rich and I are going to the lawyers office and fixing up his puter, and he is having a web page made up....(is thinking that maybe I can change his mind?) Maybe, I can do it????? Doing great with the food and my water, went to the driving range and made a fool of myself, but hey its exercise :-). I found a school nearby that I can do the work at home....everything looks pretty good today. Hope your all having a great holiday weekend and talk to you tomorrow
Sept6,1999 Well today Rich and I spent the day at the lawyers office fixing up his puter, and hey I got a free bankruptcy! Pretty impressive, I feel...he had so many puter guys over, work 15 mimutes on it and leave,charge 100$ only for the puter to crash. He gave us programs that he wants us to learn to teach him, and some networking work. I really am floored to say the least. Anyway, not much else going on, Rich is on his way to Maine, kids back to school and I have the week to myself again. Which I REALLY NEED to exercise and get off this dreaded 5 pounds......before it turns into ten, twenty and so on....its so easy to let that happen and would be devasted for that to happen, so I will not sucumb to laziness and chocolate! Why does chocolate have to taste like heaven???????? Talk to you all tomorrow
Sept7,1999 My friend Niki just called me and she wants me to come in to the internet server in town to apply for a job, mostly just secertary work, some tech support and whatnot, Rich really is supportive of me for getting this job, and I kinda think I would like it too, give me more experience and still have the time to do the home schooling at night....just nervous as hell, and why should I be????? I can do anything I want to do, right? Im smart, can handle the puter, talk to people and communicate well.....so how come all the self esteem goes down the drain? Is it the 5 extra pounds I gained? YES! That sucks doesnt it? That five pounds makes me feel bad about myself, like I failed.....All I can think about is what am I going to wear that will make me look the thinnest, like that is the reason that I would get the job in the first place....unbelievable. I think this needs a repair job. Talk to you all tomorrow
Sept8,1999 Its 1:30 and I havent done anything today except for having a few cups of coffee and laying in bed....the house is a mess, I have like three tons of laundry that needs to be done, and I have no motivation to even take a shower, is this pathetic or what? I did send in my application to the internet server, that I did and I guess its just a wait and see til I get the interview. I talked to Rich about it on the phone last nite and hes supportive yet scared at the same time. He is scared that maybe I will want to go out once and awhile with Niki, or others in the office. I assured him that I wouldnt, I have to get home to the kids, Im going to be doing the home schooling, I am going to be quite overloaded, though I know I can handle it..... but Im sad, I feel bad that he is nervous about me working, that I just need to get out. I am invited for dinner tonight at Kathy's and also to fix up her computer, and I know that Rich is feeling nervous about that as well. I guess I brought this all on myself....I hate it. I hate that I gained the five pounds, that I feel that Im doing something wrong about going to Kathy's or to go to work. Can anyone make sense of this? I know what course Im on, and that is my family, though I need a job, I need to have friends. I need to get off my extra five pound ass and get in the shower! Talk to you all tomorrow
Sept9,1999 9-9-99, the pre Kbug,or so they say. This morning, 20 to 7, Linda Blair 2 and Damien come running in my room," MOM! The lights are out, its like my puter teacher told us! All the puters are destroyed!!!!!" Me, "did U get coffee made?" "no" me, " Go to the deli next door and get me a cup of coffee" ( I can not speak or hear that well wthout it. The lights came back on, of course, a transformer blew....but ya know, my morning was not off to a good start. I control the master switch for the well, so all the neighbors came or called wondering I guess if I didnt pay the bill. I did, its just that if my lights go out, well they have no water. Soooooooo, I did finally get off my extra 5 pound ass and worked out some, cleaned the house all day, did those power stairs to do three tons of laundry....I am proud. Not only that, the internet server called me for an interview,(of course I wasnt home) but I will probably get a call tomorrow. Not bad, huh friends? A little nervous I am,(even though Niki is my friend and probably this is just a formality) still a chance that I will totally blow it....Im the perfect opptimist, huh? talk to you all tomorrow
Sept10,1999 Okay, had my interview. I think in my gut it went great! It was easy, right to the point and I seemed to be able to give her all the right answers. Now, it wasnt a formal hire, the "I will call in the beginning of next week" so, I would hate to jump the gun and say yeah, I got it, so lets just wait and see. Okay, news flash, Niki just told me that they like me "They really like me" LOL. Talk to you tomorrow
Sept12,1999 Happy birthday Keith! 11 today. Right now Im typing this from my lawyers office,(is this cool or what?) We are downloading some programs for him, and getting the networking upgraded, after we are done then we take Keith shopping, and home for more cake.......whats another 1 pound to my extra 5 pound ass? I know, Im obsessing..........Andrea was horrible this morning, its someones's elses day and she hates the spotlight being taken away for a day. Really selfish she is sometimes.......lets face it, most of the time. Typical teenager. My dog still thinks shes pregnant, the birds are possessed, im thinking "Could it be Annie??????????????" LOL. Have a great day all, stay safe down in the southeast. Floyd is on the way.
Sept13,1999 A day from hell, no I didnt get on the scale....just a call from the lawyer that told me that one puter crashed. Rich is gone, and I had to go there and fix this all up. Of course I went into sheer horror, this is a law office, and we were there for nine hrs yesterday, and all was fine....but then we all know computers, dont we? Its fixed, but Im just fried...at least I didnt eat all day. Well actually had a little piece of Keith's bday cake, but that dont count, right? Talk to you all tomorrow
Sept14,1999 Well started to be a bad day, broke a nail with a charm on it, the girl at the lawyers office called again with yet another problem, try to fix as much as I can over the phone, and then just told her tomorrow. Actually I told her to get a hammer and bust the stupid machine...lol. Rich will be home tomorrow and he can deal with it, Im going to start walking with Kathy early in the morning,,,we all know that I need it. Even with the job, we can still do it...like 6am. Oops, forgot to mention I got the job! Not sure on starting date, but hey I got it! so a "U go girl" for me. Talk to you all tomorrow
Sept15,1999 I start my new job tomorrow! 8am sharp....and Im flipping with nerves and excitement. Actually I am proud of me to get the job and feel like Im on the top of the world....now of course the spawns must cooperate with me since I dont get off til 5 and Im not quitting this job! So Rich pulled in last night and of course we get called this morning from the lawyers office OY...so I sent him, and its his job from now when he is home. Me, I got a job, school and I cant handle the "oncall" Now to fit in some exercise, the 6am walking with Kat will help, cause Im going to be on my butt all day and we just dont want it getting any bigger...Talk to you all tomorrow after work :-)
Sept16,1999 Well what can go wrong will...Murphys Law. Last night the muffler fell off my car, thats not too bad, so its a little loud. The kids were both sneezing and hacking this morning and I had no cold meds but they wanted to go to school anyway, and the monsoon rains from Floyd made my first day wonderful! All I did was answer calls all day from some very irate customers that couldnt get on the net, "I feel their pain" but it was pretty neat and I think Im going to like this job alot. Its raining like crazy now and the wind is picking up, all of you still in the path stay safe. Im curling up under the covers. Im wet, cold and I think Im getting a sore throat now....see ya all tomorrow.
Sept17,1999 Im sure glad that it is Friday, after two days I feel like I worked all week. Its great though, its challening, and at the same time frustrating if that makes any sense, I mean you go in and basically get screamed at all day....but I like it. The basement this morning had 6 inches of water from all the rain the night before, and for the first time in years Rich was home for the event and not 1000 miles away...it was a fun day for him as well. So, diet is still on but not the exercise, I have to find sometime to fit it in, the 6am with Kathy isnt going to work, I have to be in by 8 and get the shower before the kids, I know sounds like a bad excuse, why have I gotten so lazy lately? Maybe I can do it when I get home, throw in a tape and get to it...I really must do something, sitting all day wont help. So thats about the day events....I know, boring. Have a good weekend you all, and talk to you tomorrow.
Sept19,1999 Didnt get a chance to post yesterday, had to go to Allentown and help with Rich's teriminal manager move, basically set up the puters and all. Really not much to fun. Have my funky bug cold back, feel fat and in a fog, hate it. I remember thinking once before I had the strength to go on my diet that I wish I had some diease that would just make me lose weight, isnt that terrible? I mean to even wish that on yourself, but it gets desperate. Now Im just disgusted with myself, I need to exercise, to get off that five pounds! It feels the same way it did when I had a hundred to lose, thats the point that I am trying to make. Glad that I have a cold and maybe wont be able to eat for awhile. Sick. Before I go, I hope that I didnt upset anyone about the 6 inches of water in the basement after Floyd....I know my friends in NC, Jersey, and other areas got really hit hard and lost their houses. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
Sept20,1999 Monday....UCK. Actually it wasnt that bad, we had a new database put in and well lets just say that it didnt want to cooperate. It was an Advil day...got home, the dog (ya know the one that thinks she is prego) jumped into Annies window and cut her nose and broke the window. More stuff to fix, the car still is in the shop getting a new muffler and its promised to be ready tonight. Still not and Rich has to leave out tomorrow. Im in a real good mood....so diet went to hell today, Rich came and met for lunch and then we had dinner out as well. Arbys..great choice. I am gonna gain more weight if I dont get on the move real quick. I could clean when I get home, the house is always trashed with the kids alone, I could throw in a damn tape already and stop with procastinating. I hate me like this ya know? Talk to you all tomorrow
Sept21,1999 The new database still isnt working up to par, more aggrevating calls and trying to get it all to work..fun, but the best part is friends is that we were in a commercial today for the company. Well Im not all that keen on that, I knew they were doing it today, but had no idea that I had to be in it too. Isnt this just great?????? What does TV add like 30 pounds to you? As well as I had no sleep last night, our neighbor woke us up at 2:30am cause his girlfriend left him...I mean like this is the right thing to do to your neighbor. I had bags under my eyes, PMS with major bloating and yeah I have to be on a tv comercial. But then again, maybe in Walmart I will get recognized and they will either A-want to shoot me, B- want to axe me, C- want my autograph. :-). Have a great night.
Sept22,1999 Another crazy day, crazy people, Love it! Just pretty tired by the time I get home, cranky and a tad stressed. I got my front desk and have officially took over my friends job while she moved up to a new office. Felt pretty cool, tomorrow is my first paycheck and even though its only for 2 days last week its more then I made in a week at the army. Not bad...I want a cleaning woman, LOL. Well I tried and asked Rich, didnt go over too big. Cant wait for my big TV debut, I still cant believe that commercial. I know Im going to look like crap and cry for three months, me and my obessing. Well thats all for today, talk to you all tomorrow.
Sept23,1999 I really want a cleaning lady! LOL@me, I am so picky about the house and know that I would want to clean before she got there, but I am so sick of the mess everyday, and not having the time to get to it except on weekends. The kids pick up (when I threaten them) but still it isnt the same. Anyway, TGIF tomorrow. A hell of a week with the non-working database, and one hell of a day coming up when it does! Went to the Salvation army with Nicolle today for lunch, loved going there and telling them all about my new job :-). My ex boss Cindy just quit I found out, got to call her and get the scoop. Anyway, Im beat friends..I really didnt think that sitting on your butt all day would make you so tired. Talk to you all tomorrow.
Sept27,1999 I'm here, I'm alive, I have purple hair, ok, it is supposed to be dark auburn like I always do, maybe the extra ten minutes did me in, but its maroon. LOL. Okay, the kids have pulled the mother of all whoppers over the weekend and I cant even write about it.....but I can say that my daughter let a friend steal from me, and my son was in the principals this morning and I got a call at work. Its not even the end of Sept yet!!!!!!! Why? I am so frustrated and heartbroken and just pissed. Is it just me with the evil spawns????? I wish sometimes I didnt love them so much, maybe it wouldnt hurt as bad when they hurt me. Anyway on a lighter note...Im doing great at work, trained a new guy to be my asst...is this a good gig or what? Talk to you all tomorrow
Sept28,1999 I seemed to be having troubles with tripod and trying to get in my page and edit, or maybe Im just really starting to hate PCs...they drive me nuts, but I love the job. Makes sense/ Getting the kids back in order and laying down the law. It seems that I have to run it aka miltary style...but its working so far, we will see how long that takes. I also have been binging here and there, why? Because like it has always been my problem, I cant handle stress that much and food makes me feel better. Of course I have gained, I know that by the way my pants need a vice grip to get the zipper up. Will I go on the scale? NO! I am just going to get that part of my life under control again. Will she do it? I need cyber kicks friends....SOS! Hey sis, HELP!!!!!!!!! Want the kids? They can clean and do laundry and cook! I think I will be okay...off to work, love ya all. Friends, I know that I have been behind on my mail...I promise to get caught up. See ya all later.
Sept29,1999 Hiya friends, another rough day and also kinda disturbing. Some cash is missing and I really hope that I am not suspected. Myabe Im being paranoid, feeling like I am going to get fired if I dont prove myself and what I know, and to even have a suspicion that someone would think that I would take it is driving me crazy. I have been told that I am doing a great job and awesome was even used...it just dont sink in my head. Why? Its so hard to take that maybe Im losing my selfesteem again...I dont know friends. I just know that I am fried, I try so hard to get these people on the net, no matter what four letter word they call me, and I calm them down and usually they change their tone. Then again, some don't. I got to learn to not let them get to me.
Sept30,1999 Last day of the month, thank god. I suppose that it wasnt all that bad, though with the kids it was kinda lousy. On the whole though, I have to say with the new job it was pretty good. I am over my fear of doing a good job, I feel now that I am doing the best that I can. Even with the people yelling at you all day. Its fun, what can I say? Im back on track with my eating, and getting back to moving some more. Im going to get back to it! Though I can still use the cyber kicks to keep me going friends.....*hint* See ya in Oct. Hopefully I will get the page up :-)

The Song Playing Is "If You Could Read My Mind, dont you wish U could?"

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