Population of this village is 155 each family has 3-4 or
some have more children.
Education: primary school is 1km from the village. Mostly
all the children go to the school. 20 people have reached 8th standard and oldies are not educated. Need middle
and higher secondary school.
Occupation: mainly hunting, agriculture, crafts with cane,
gathering forest products. Average earning per week is Rs. 80-100 (Rs. 1.77- 2.22) every week there is market 10 kms from
the village where they sell and buy. Many items they sell at throw away prices to traders. As per the villages they do not
get right price for their produce like cane, cosa silk cocoon, forest vegetation and medicinal roots.
Employment opportunity: apart from their traditional
work they have no other opportunity of employment. Unemployment is a serous problem in most tribal areas and rural villages.
Many said nearly 50% of Chhatisgarh state is below poverty line. My travel to them gives same indication. Many precious medicinal, cosmetic roots and seeds gathered from forests are sold in throw away prices, in
raw condition which is processed in urban cities. Why cant finished products come out of the village? Cooperative societies
would be of grate help to organize buying processing packing and these can be marketed in urban areas. Avoid direct procurement
from tribes who could be fooled by traders. If so floor price to be fixed to avoid confusion. Value
addition to products will multiply employment opportunities.
Goncha had to say for his village:
are far- far away at 10kms from village. Even to buy salt they have to go that far. Nearby shops will help the. Solution for
this is cooperative stores can reach in most of the villages, can buy and sell from them.
is old still he does not get pension. The reason is that he lives with children. Many of old people get Rs, 150 as pension.