Bade Panchayat (village office) in state Chhattisgarh comprising 8 villages with population
of 1373 people, most of them are gond tribes Most adults are illiterates but they have initiation of sending their children
to school so most of them go to school nearby.
Their main food apart from forest foods is rice and drink is Salfi extracted from a type of palm tree
(you can see the picture of tree and when you click you will view video climbing on the tree) this drink is intoxicated used in all occasions. When I tasted this it was good and fresh and felt very fresh even during
hot day. This has got nutritional value so is good for health also provided taken limited quantity. Both women and men drink.
Their main occupation is agriculture, hunting, gather forest plant, fruit and roots; they
have good knowledge of ayurvedic medicine value from roots and forest plants, practice in their village. Women are mostly
busy with home work, agriculture and collection of forest plants and food. Women enjoy better status and rights in the society
than our modern society. Men on the other hand more relaxed, busy hunting, agriculture, drink, eat and help increase population.
Most men do not work it is women who play important role running daily life of tribes. Status of women is much-much better
in tribal society, they have rights and privileges in all sense as compared to modern civilized society.
Situation is changing as limited resources of forests forcing them to become poor and poorer.
This entire village is without electricity but Government did a good job providing hand pumps for water and schools for their
villages. Their traditional employment is vanishing due to lack of demand and not fit for modern employment. In the same time
they are unwilling to come out for modern employment. They want to be happy in their culture, tradition and society. We need
to understand this value and explore the system of education that can help them to maintain their traditional value and in
the same theme they are economically comfortable. Average earning of a family in this village is Rs.300-500
(US$ 7-12) per month, not even enough to meet clothing and other basic requirements.