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The Biography of Samus Aran

Samus' past is a shady one, and nobody knows for sure where she's from or who her real family is. What I have here is not gospil. Instead it is what I have compiled up from various sources that hint or speak of her past.

Samus was the only child borne to her parents. Her father seems to have been invovled with the Galactic Federation somehow, but what her mother's occupation was remains a mystery. The family lived together in their own complex in a small human space colony. It's unclear what planet this was on, but some sources hint that it was close to the Chozo homeworld.

But while Samus was still very young, anywhere from five to ten years old, disaster struck. It was around the same year that the space pirates had emerged that the space coloney was attacked, the pirates kiling everyone except for one small child...One Samus Aran. On a return trip to their own homeworld, two Chozos took note of the destruction and landed to scope it out. They thought there weren't any survivors until they heard the pittiful cries of a frightened human child. They helped the battered Samus out of the wreckage and decided to take her home, to raise her as their own.

Samus and the Chozos taught each other. The non-warring race had a lot to learn about her fighting instincts; in turn, she had a lot of wisdom to gain from their peaceful ways. Nevertheless, they somehow educated her in the art of war, and when she became of age, equipped her with a suit of armor enhansed by their superior technology, designed to be tough like Chozo skin. Not long after that, a mysterious new bounty hunter appeared at the Federation Headquarters, and easily proved "his" worth. Still, "he" insisted that "he" only work alone, otherwise the Federation would not have "his" services.
This all sets the stage for the Metroid series to begin, where Samus Aran embarks on the biggest adventures of her tragic life.

*Pictures are copyright Nintendo and were obtained with permission from here.