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Released way back in the summer days of 1986, Nintendo's newest platform/adventure game from Japan opened up a whole new world of videogaming for the home console. The game, which hadn't quite taken off with the Japanese, soon became a sort of occult here in America.

Massive levels, secret passages, and the feel of not knowing what awaited you behind that closed blue door added to the game's appeal. The game itself was the story of a lone bounty hunter sent to eradicate the threat of space pirates on the planet Zebes, but, as any veteran of this series should know, things are not what they seem. One could imagine the surprise players got after beating the game when -- lo and behold! -- the bounty hunter unmasked themself, revealing that the character so many had thought a man to be a woman instead! This was undoubtedly a giant shocker for gamers of that time, when nearly all video game heros were men.

With easy controlls, smooth movement, perfect sound-effects and mood-setting music, Metroid was an all-around awesome game. Why the series never took off in Japan is beyond me.