Dead Leaves and the Dirty Ground
About Me
Mah Girl
My Poems
My Stories
My Journal
My Guestbook
American Wedding
Kool Shirtz
Flogging Molly
Nicky's Angels
Family Guy
MPAA Gone Mad
What A Kiss Means
Terra n Nicky Pics
Vampire Nicky
About Me

"Our speech without sounds, our love without bounds."


Just a little background information about me.
Name: Nick
Nicknames: Sensei, Ninjamaster, Nicky
Age: 19
Location: Nottingham, England
Birthday: August 28th
Occupation: University Student
AIM S/N: Winkalicious2003
Feel free to email or IM me about anything and everything, I really don't mind, the more the merrier!
Favourites -
Movies: The Usual Suspects, Groundhog Day, Magnolia, The Shawshank Redepmtion, Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring.
Actor: Kevin Spacey
Actress: Jodie Foster
Music: Avril Lavigne, Coldplay, Travis, Radiohead, Oasis, Weezer, Good Charlotte.
Song: Radiohead - Karma Police / Weezer - Island in the Sun
TV Shows: Frasier, The West Wing, The X-Files, Malcolm in the Middle, Family Guy, The Simpsons, 24.
Food: Lasagne
Sports Teams: Birmingham City FC, the Denver Broncos, the Colorado Rockies (yeah i know they all suck).
Writers: JRR Tolkien, J K Rowling, Bill Bryson, Kathy Reichs.
Poets: Edgar Allen Poe, William Shakespeare, Sir Walter Scott.
Book: The Lord of the Rings
Colour: Blue
I think that's about all for now - I'll put some pictures of me on here as soon as I can find some where I don't look like a complete idiot (don't count on it). In the meantime, here's the best picture I could find:
