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20th May, 2003
Well, I was gonna come on and write about how not much has been going on, and about the few things I've done since my last entry, but now something just happened and I'm gonna write about that instead. I just came online and for some reason I decided to look in Terra's journal - I dunno why, cos she won't be back from school yet and it's very unlikely that she write an entry before school. Anyway, it turned out that she had written in her journal this morning, saying how she had an asthma attack and couldn't breathe when she woke up. She also said that she'll be running around this morning, and breathing in smoke from people smoking, and so I guess I'm kinda worried right now about what could've happed to her... In a few hours I'll be talking to her online, so I guess I'll find out then, but until I speak to her I'm still pretty worried for the moment. I think I've aleady talked about how her asthma worries me, so I won't go into it again. Read the last one, lazy!
Yesterday I went to see X-Men 2, which was a pretty good movie, and one of the storylines in it kinda resonated with me in a way - I wish the movie could've focused on it a bit more, or at least given some sort of closure at the end. It was the relationship between Rogue and Iceman in the movie, and basically even though they love each other they can never really be together, because of Rogue's powers, which means that she hurts him if they kiss or even if she touches him - she has to wear gloves just to hold his hand. I felt kinda sorry for them, cos I know what it's like to love someone and have them love you back but not be able to be with them because of circumstances beyond your control. The difference is, I know that in a few months time that won't matter any more - we'll be together, but for Rogue and Iceman, who knows? lol, I can't believe I just talked about 2 characters in a movie as if they were real. I must be losing my mind. I just wanted to mention that because like I said, it hit home with me.
Oh yeah, another thing - today I spent the entire afternoon playing The Sims on my computer (yeah i know, i'm pathetic...), and basically I made a Sim Terra and a Sim Nick (you can guess what happened between them, lol) and also a Sim John and a Sim Will, and we all live together in this massive house. I made Will and John get jobs while Nick and Terra just stay home all day and have fun, mwah-ha-ha, lol... Anyway, I think that's about all for now, ttyl peeps...
Movies Watched: X-Men 2, The Matrix, Dr Strangelove
CDs Listened To: Terra's CD
Mood: Worried...