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25th May, 2003
Hey y'all, what's up? The last 2 days have been pretty busy for me, but I had a great time so never mind. Let's see, on Friday I drove back to my parents house, which took a little longer than usual cos the traffic was pretty bad, but I got there in the end. In the afternoon I went to the mall with my mom, I bought some new jeans which are kinda exactly like my old jeans but I got them anyway because they were so damn cheap, and I'm like totally broke at the moment. Umm.. I also bought a sweatshirt too, which my brother claims makes me look like Eminem in 8 Mile, lol. I wore my hair like Eminem today too, that was propably what made him say it, lol :) Also that afternoon I went to Starbucks with my mom and just hung out for a while (yeah, amazingly I actually like my mom, so whaddya gonna do about it huh?), then in the evening I went out for dinner with my parents and my brother, which was good because I didn't have to pay, lol, but it was a fun evening anyway, we get on really well together. After that I came home and talked to Terra online until 3am, so I was pretty fucking tired by the time I finally went to bed.
Which brings us I guess to Saturday, which was another rather eventful day, for several reasons. Things didn't really get going until the evening, in the day I just drove my parents to a wedding, which was notable only for the fact that I got to drive my Dad's car, which is always fun. In this case though I almost crashed it, so I'm pretty glad no one else was in the car when that happened, or else I'd most likely have been banned from driving it ever again. It wouldn't have been a serious car accident, cos I wasn't going very fast, but still it would've been fucking embarassing and annoying to waste my dad's expensive car, so I'm kinda glad I got away with that. In the evening I took my brother too see a movie, which was called Old School, and it was ok I guess, not exactly the greatest movie ever made, especially the 2nd half of it, but it was entertaining and funny enough to pass the time. After that we went to grab a bite to eat, but no sooner had we sat down and they were bringing us the appetizers when who should walk in but my bestest friend in the whole world Jamie, and his friend Allison. So anyway, we ended up eating with them and we all had an awesome time, it was great to see Jamie again since we hardly see each other much now, seeing as how we go to different colleges. Jamie told me that his mom has gone to work for NASA, and that she flew to Florida that morning, which is perhaps the most bizarre thing I've ever heard, seeing as his mom is a teacher, but he assures me that it's true. Hmm...
Then after that I had to go and fetch my drunken parents from the wedding, so I got to drive my Dad's car again, this time without incident, and I subjected them to my music for the entire 45 minute ride home, mwah-ha-ha... lol. After that I wanted to go online and chat to Terra, but I was so fucking tired that I just went straight to bed and ended up sleeping for 12 hours, seriously... lol. Sunday was kinda dull in comparison, I just watched tv mostly and then drove back to my college house, which is where you find me now. *deep breath* OK, I think that's just about everything that's happened. Right now I'm just waiting for Terra to come online so that I can talk to her, I missed her over the last 2 days, even though I was having so much fun. Bye for now :)
Movies Watched: Old School
CDs Listened To: Coldplay - Parachutes, Coldplay - A Rush Of Blood To The Head, Travis - The Man Who, Travis - The Invisible Band
Mood: Happy...