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8th July, 2003

Wow, it's really been a long time since I last wrote in here, an entire month actually. Did u miss me? :) I thought so... Let's see, a hella lot has gone on in the last month. For a start I'm no longer living in my college house which I love so much, I'm back at home with my parents again :( I wish i was back living with my friends again, college rulez. Plus now I'm back home I'm also back at work again too, worse luck. I've been working more than ever, and it's just been soooo stressful and also tiring, cos I'm also staying up late to talk 2 Terra n Lauren online. I get a lie in tomorrow though, for the first time in about 2 weeks, which is awesome :)
Let's talk about the good things first then, before I get on to the living hell that my life has become in the past two weeks. Things with Terra are going great, we haven't fought at all for ages, which is kool. We had our 5 month anniversary a few weeks ago, so soon will be our 6 months. Wow, I can't believe we've been together 4 so long, it's really awesome. Plus, it's not long now until I go to America, so soon we'll be togehter 4 real. OMG i can't wait! lol. Seriously, I never looked forward to something so much in my entire life. I need to be with her, the frustration from us being apart gets more and more the closer it gets, sometimes I think it's gonna drive me insane, when things are bad like they r now it kills me that she can't be with me to hug and comfort me. Soon, I keep telling myself, that's what keeps me going through all the shit that's been happenin recently.
Oh yea, I have 2 talk about Lauren as well. In the past month I've met and become friends with her, she's Terra's best friend and she rockz! The three of us, maybe 4 if Tom comes 2 America as well in August, r gonna hang out at the mall, and Terra n Lauren r planning to turn me into a punk, lol, that should be interesting... I bin tryin 2 set up Lauren with my friend Tom, and things seem to be going ok with that so far, although Tom isn't really online that much so they haven't been able to talk as much as they'd like. Hopefully Lauren and Tom will get together, cos I want her to be happy after all the shit she went through with Erin be4.
Let's cut to the chase now, the last 2 weeks have been hell 4 me. Thank god I have Lauren and Terra to talk to and they're there 4 me always when i need them, i'm so grateful. My brother and my parents r complaining about how long i spend on the computer, and my mom and my dad are nagging me day and night about gettin this and that organized, I have a thousand fucking things 2 do and I can't cope. The worst is the stuff i have to organize for coming 2 america, who whould have though it would be so fucking complicated and difficult? I made like 4 different appointments just today for shit that i need to do 4 that, it sucks ass. Plus work is just one long nightmare, i bin working so much lately, an it's really takin it out of me, i'm tired and kranky all the time, i keep snapping at my family n i'm like in a permanant bad mood. An therez other stuff happenin too, a friend of my dad who i know well is in hospital right now and they don't know whether he's gonna live or die yet, but it don't look good right now. Plus there b other shyt happenin but i don't really wanna talk about it. So there u go, I no that therez ppl worse off than me n all, but i gotta right 2 be depressed too, an u gotta admit things aren't good 4 me right now. I made a deal with God this morning, I said that I'd put up with everything I'm going through right now, but he has to do something 4 me as well, he has to fix it so that things work out when i come 2 america, u no what i mean. I'll be ok, cos i have ppl who love me and they give me strength, an i have faith that things will get better, even if it looks bad right now. There's more i wanna talk about but i don't have time right now. I'll write another entry some time soon i promise.