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9th October, 2003

Well in my last entry i talked about when me and Terra first met, and bizarrely i'm now gonna talk about how we broke up. Last weekend when i was over at her house we started talking about our relationship, and how it was getting kinda hard for both of us with not being able to see each other as much as we'd like, and we seemed to be fighting a lot and we never seemed to have fun talking online like we used to when we were first dating. Anyway, we decided it would be best to break up and just be friends before we ended up breaking up badly and maybe hating each other. We still love each other and nothing much has really changed between us, we still plan to get back together some day when she's older and the circumstances are better, but for now we decided it would be better just to be friends.
Ok, first i'll talk about the ways in which it's worked, before i get onto the ways it hasn't. This week we've had the most fun talking to each other that we've had for a long time, since before i came to america, since before this summer, since before all the problems arose. We seem to be getting on much better online than we were before we broke up. Also, we promised each other that we still love each other the most and still want to be together, so whatever happens in the meantime i'm confident that one day we'll get back together, when we can get married and be together properly like we both want.
And now for the not so good parts. We agreed that we should see other people whilst we're broken up, which seems like a good idea in theory but i still think it's likely to cause jealousy, partucularly if one of us ever gets into a more serious relationship with someone else. Anyway, neither of us wasted any time in starting to go out with other people, she's dating this total asshole named Josh, whose admitted to her that he hit his previous gf, and i'm dating, wait for it... lauren! Yeah you heard right, who would've expected that? Anyway, it's still really soon so i'm not really sure what's gonna happen with either of them, so i guess we'll just wait and see.