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23rd February, 2004

Wow, it sure has been a long time since i wrote in here, just over 4 months to be exact, my last entry was just after me and Terra had broken up and then got back together again, and since then things have been pretty good between us, we've had a few minor fights but nothing like the problems we were having back aroud the time of my last entry. All in all things are better now than they were back in October, and i'm finding it easier to deal with the things that i have to go though.
At the end of last semester i got really sick with the flu and then with bronchitis, which put me out of action for at least a couple of weeks and still feeling crappy for even longer than that. Luckily it was over before Christmas, although i did miss one of my final exams, but i was able to make that up so everything turned out alright in the end. Around christmas i spend an entire month at terra's house, which was awesome and we had a great time.
Since my last entry i have become a fanatical Buffalo Sabres fan, we have been to 2 games so far, both of which the Sabres won, and since then i have been watching every game possible on tv. It's strange that i've taken to the Sabres so much when it was so completely opposite with the Bills, who i really couldn't care less about. I have also managed to get terra into the Sabres too, which I think was a considerable achievement, although my attempts to get her interested in other sports have so far failed, except perhaps lacrosse, which seems to me to basically be hockey for the insane...
Once or twice i have felt homesick over the past few months, after all it has been over 6 months now since i left england, and i have not seen any of my family since Thanksgiving, when my dad came to visit at terra's. That seemed to go pretty well. Whenever I feel homesick though it always disappears whenever i see terra, because wherever she is feels like home to me. Even better this semester i have organized my class schedule so i get mondays and fridays off, hehe... which means that i get to go earlier and stay longer when i go to terra's at the weekends, it's all good :)
I am starting to lose my patience with Amtrak, specifically with train 283 that i take on thursday evenings. Friday-Wednesday that particular train manages to accumulate no more than an hour's delay, however on thursdays it pulls out all the stops and has managed to be at least 2 - 2 1/2 hours late on the last 5 occasions i have taken it... grrrr... I am beginning to wonder if this train is cursed for me, since every other Amtrak train i have taken has been nowhere near as late as this one is every time. I swear, if it's that late again this week i won't be responsible for my actions. I already tested the resilience of the seats on several occasions last week, managing to break off part of the armrest during an especially long period spent stationary, which was particularly satisfying. It's good to know that in some small way i'm making my contribution to the destruction of Amtrak. That being said they did actually deliver me back to Albany early today, a quite remarkable achievement given their chronic lateness.
College is going fine, i can't really complain, and i think i'm doing pretty well considering i only actually spend 3 days a week in Albany. Last week I went to Washington in order to meet the lawyers that my dad wanted me to talk to. I wasn't looking forward to the trip but i actually ended up enjoying it, i had an interesting look at the courts and conversations with the two lawyers, i got a couple of good books at Barnes & Noble and took in 2 good restaurants, and also went to a hockey game at the MCI Center, where the Capitals tied the Ottawa Senators 1-1 in a game that was far more exciting than the score suggests. I didn't even mind spending such a long time on the train to get there and back, since once i got past albany the scenery was all new to me and interesting to look at, and i passed the time by reading books and newspapers.
All in all then things are going pretty well at the moment, certainly better than they were back in october when i made my last entry. I'm sure there are some things i have forgotten to mention, a lot can happen in 4 months after all, but i'll include them in future entries if anything else springs to mind. I'm going to go to bed now, i didn't get much sleep at the weekend when i was at terra's ;)