Together Forever
Wedding Details


The Marriage Venue
Together Forever

The Reception Venue
Together Forever

Details & Directions


M1 Southbound (From Newcastle 217 miles / 4.0 hrs)

Exit the M1 at Junction 23A (A42) to Birmingham

Follow the A42 for about 20 miles until it feeds straight into the M42 Motorway

Exit the M42 at Junction 8 (M6) following signs Birmingham Central, E, N & W

Exit the M6 at Junction 6 (A38M) Signposted Bham Cen.

Join A38M to Bromsgrove

See Local Directions



M1 Northbound (From North London 124 miles / 2.5 hrs)

Exit the M1 at Junction 16 (M6) signposted The North West

Exit the M6 at Junction 6 (A38M) signposted Bham Cen.

Join A38M to Bromsgrove

See Local Directions



M40 Northbound (From West London 119 miles / 2.3 hrs)

Exit the M40 at Junction 3A (M42) signposted The North and M6, B'ham (Central)

Exit the M42 at Junction 7/7A (M6) following signs Birmingham Central

Exit the M6 at Junction 6 (A38M) Signposted Bham Cen.

Join A38M to Bromsgrove

See Local Directions



M6 Southbound (From Manchester 89 miles / 1.6 hrs)

Exit the M6 at Junction 6 (A38M) Signposted Bham Cen.

Join A38M to Bromsgrove

See Local Directions



Local Directions

Important: The church is on the A38. Hence follow the road all the way from M6 Jct. 6

Follow the signs of A38M to Bromsgrove

You will eventually pass through a series of 3 tunnels (Queensway)

Follow the road until first major traffic lights then go straight on

Follow the road until next major traffic lights, then go straight on

Follow the avenue of trees to a built up area (university of Birmingham on right)

Follow the road until the next major traffic lights go straight on (Green "Dixons" sign ahead)

Straight ahead you will begin to see a large modern Church building ahead on your left hand side

Go through quick succession of traffic lights and then turn left into Langleys Road

You are at the Christian Life Centre



Travel Contacts

Your Contacts are: Toyin 07739745111 & Andy - 07970726959

If on voicemail please leave a number and they will endeavour to ring you back. Before ringing please be sure to know your current position such as roads and significant landmarks.

Please only use these numbers if you are genuinely lost.


Station Shuttle Service

We will be running a single pick-up service from New Street Station. The Bus will be ready for boarding at the stations "set down" bay at 11.40am prompt! (Your Driver is Edward 07855887158)


Our Recommended Hotel

Premier Lodge Hotel

Birmingham Great Park

Rubery, Birmingham B45 9PA

0870 700 1324

We have organised special booking arrangements with this Hotel for double and family Rooms at £48.00 per room (Excluding breakfast) if you check in on Friday the 11th of July 2003.

Please ring the above number and state "The Serina & Jonas Wedding Party". This Hotel is close to the Church, Wedding Reception venue & our Family homes (2.5 Miles).

Directions to Premier Lodge

Exit the M5 at Junction 4 onto the A38 towards Birmingham. Turn left into Birmingham Great Park (Signposted). The Premier Lodge is behind Safeway.


Other Hotels to consider





Star Rating


Est. Price From:

Hotel Marriott

12 Hagley Rd, B16 85J

0121 452 1144


4 Miles


Copthorne Hotel

Paradise Circus, B3 3HJ

0121 200 2727


5 Miles


Travel Inn

20 Bridge St. B1 2JH

0870 197 7031


5 Miles


Travel Lodge

230 Broad Street

0870 191 1564


5 Miles


Hotel Ibis

55 Irving St. B1 1DH

0121 622 4925


5 Miles


Burlington Hotel

126 New St. B2 4JE

0121 643 9191


5 Miles


Britannia Hotel

New St. B2 4RX

0121 631 3331


5 Miles


The Norfolk Hotel

267 Hagley Rd B16 9NA

0121 454 8071


5 Miles



U S E F U L   I N F O R M A T I O N

Church Details Reception Venue Details

Christian Life Centre                                               The Rowheath Pavilion

900 Bristol Road                                                     Heath Road

Selly Oak                                                                Bournville

B29 6PB                                                                 B30 1HH


Useful Websites                                                   Useful Numbers                                  0870 5050505                                                AA Hotel Booking       

                                                                             Service                                            0121 693 6300                                       Tourist Info Centre

Serina's Bio

Jonas' Bio

ã Serina & Jonas 2003