Together Forever

Serina & Jonas
Together Forever

Serina's Bio

Song of Songs

Welcome to The Serina & Jonas - Together Forever -  Site

When I asked either Serina or Jonas on how they both met, the same phrase jumps out at you "Divine Intervention". I certainly agree that God has had a hand in their coming together and their growing so close in such a short space of time.

This website was originally designed for friends & relatives in Nigeria and the USA who would not be able to attend the Wedding, however interest in this website has been so overwhelming from everyone that the couple have decided to put up some of the Wedding pictures at some point after the wedding, so stay tuned!

Every page has been designed with love and affection so please have a browse and enjoy.

Nnamdi Anyaegbunam

The Best Man

Jonas' Bio

Wedding Details

Email us. We'd Love to hear from you!

ã Serina & Jonas 2003