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Church of St. Francis Xavier Singapore

St. Pio Prayer Group

Contact: Patrick Ee - 6289 1417 / 9822 3638

St. Pio

 Established in 1976, the group was part of the federation of three other groups from the Holy Spirit, Holy Family and St Vincent de Paul churches. The membership stood at over a hundred in1997, a far cry form the four founding members. The original mission of the group to promote home Rosary
devotions for the "cause of Padre Pio" and to pray for the sick still remains. However, much of the current role is in the minstering to the living, sick, dying and deceased. When the group merged with the St. Joseph Sodality Prayer Group, it became a source of comfort and strength for the bereaved families of the deceased members of the church community, rallying around them
at a difficult and emotional time, and providing loving support through prayer.
Devotion to Our Lady holds a special place in the hearts of the group's members.
Every 13th and 23rd days of the month, the group leads the reflection of the Rosary in the church.
Annually, at noon on 8 December, a special "Hour of Grace" Rosary devotion in honour of the Feast of the Immaculate Conception is held. Through other activities like retreats, days of recollection and gatherings, the group has kept the Gospel message alive in a practical way, through prayer and service to the community

Learn more about Padre Pio by linking to the website below.

Padre Pio Foundation