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Church of St. Francis Xavier Singapore

Legion of Mary

Helene Tan   - 62896421 (Queen of All Saints Praesidium)
Janet Munoz  - 62877091 (Queen of All Nations Philippina Praesidium)
John Tan         - 62847539 (Queen of All Saints Praesidium, Mandarin)

There are three Legion groups in the parish:
   Queen of All Saints (Senior) Praesidium
           President - Helene Tan.
           Meeting Tue, 8:00pm, basement.
   Queen of All Nations (Philippina) Praesidium
           President - Janet Munoz.
           Meeting Sun, 9am CHIJ
   Queen of All Saints (Mandarin) Praesidium
            President - John Wong.
            Meeting - Fri, 8:00pm, St Louis Room
The aim of the Legion is to glorify God through holiness of its members by prayer and active service.
The exhortation of Pope Paul II succinctly defines the Legion's role in the church, "Yours is an eminently Marian spirituality, to render service to every person who is the image of Christ, with the spirit and solitude of Mary." The Legionary, as a soldier of Christ, strives to advance the reign of Christ with the power of the Holy Spirit. 
The Legion runs the church's bookshop every Sunday morning from 7.00am to 12.00pm

Learn more about the Legion by linking to the website below.

Legion of Mary

Updated: 4/12/06