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Church of St. Francis Xavier Singapore


Contact: Roderick Theseira - 9833 1232

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The mission of the catechists is to effectively share God's Word with the children and youth of the parish.
The importance of spiritual guidance for the future generation cannot be over emphasised.
Activities abound the year round. Besides weekly classes on Sunday mornings, there are Mother's
and Father's Day celebrations, Bible Sunday quizzes, Children's Day parties, concerts and Easter activities.
Catechists are not only seen as teachers but as mentors and role models for these young ones,
at a period of their lives when they are most impressionable and vunerable to societal and peer influences.
To help meet the increasing administrative demands placed on catechists, the helper programme
has eased some of the workload from teachers, freeing the latter to devote more time to their charges.
     Catechism classes will resume on 20 January 2008. All classes will be held at the Parish Centre.
     Classes from Nursery to P6 are from 8.45 am. to 10.15 am. Secondary classes are from 10.30 am. to 12.00 noon.

14 Nov 2006