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Church of St. Francis Xavier Singapore

Bible Apostolate Team

Contact: Maisie Lim - 9101 0353
         Email: maisielee21@gmail.com          


Church of St Francis Xavier Bible Apostolate Team



Mission Statement

Promotes the Love for and the Knowledge of the Bible as the Living Word of God. Through the Understanding of Scripture, we foster the Conversion of Heart and the Building of Communities of Faith, founded on the Word of God.


2008 Committee


Maisie Lim       - Co-ordinator  maisielee21@gmail.com

Ron Lee          - Treasurer     ronlee@lucas.com.sg

Helen Ng         - Secretary     nghelen@camerondiv.com

Timothy Lim      - Member        slim55yc@singnet.com.sg

Tony Lim         - Member        sipex@pacific.net.sg

Tina Wah         - Member        tina_wah@pa.gov.sg

Anne Har         - Member        annehar_1@yahoo.com.sg

Emily Lee        - Member        emily@singnet.com.sg

Genervieve Nerva - Member        gennerva@yahoo.com 

Marc Wee         - Member        marckywee88@hotmail.com

Kathleen Khor    - Member        kathkhor@singnet.com.sg


Logo Design Rationale 


The divinely revealed realities of the Word of God, contained and presented in Sacred Scripture, have been committed to writing under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit (Dei Verbum #11). The stylised dove descending upon an open book expresses this reality.


The book, with its open pages, denotes the Treasures of the Bible being open more lavishly and offering a richer fare being provided for the faithful. (Constitution of Sacred Liturgy #51)


Ambers of fire seat between the pages, suggest that led by the light of the Spirit of Truth, the servant - the Church of St Francis Xavier Bible Apostolate Team - may in carrying out its mission, preserve this Word of God faithfully and make it known more widely.  


The central motif connotes a biblio and a fountain of God's abundant grace pouring forth to increasingly nourish mankind with his divine words. The dominant colour red denotes Christ's life-giving blood which has been poured out to save mankind.  


PROGRAMS for 2008


1)  Jesus' Passion: a story of redemptive suffering
      Intro nite: Feb 11,  Lessons 1 to 5 : Feb 18, 25  Mar 3, 10, 17


2) Gospel of St Matthew-lecture-talks by Mgr Eugene Vaz
    Wednesday nights, starting Mar 5  to  May 21   (12 sessions)


3) Bible Great Adventure, 4th Run

   Mon or Tues or  Thu  nights, starting week of Jun 23 (24 sessions)


4) Letters of St Paul to the Corinthians lecture-talks by Fr Ambrose Vaz

    Wednesday nights, starting Aug 13  to  Nov 12    (12 sessions)

Updated: 28 Jan 08