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Church of St. Francis Xavier Singapore


  Contact: Rev. Fr. 
         Tel: 6283 4908

Rite of Christian Initiation for Youths
Meeting Every Frinday 8.00pm - 10.00pm
RCIY Invites More Youths To Join

The Rite of Christian Initiation for Youths or RCIY,
which started a month ago,  is extending an invitation
to young people between the ages of 16 and 25 to join
its 2005 class. 

Fr Gerard Weerakoon,  RCIY's Spiritual Director, says
the RCIY programme is a one-year faith formation
journey which will introduce youths to God and help
them to develop their personal relationship with God.

"Many young people want to know if there is a God and
what God wants - some people think there are no
answers to these questions but there are.  In the RCIY
programme, we go through the Catechism of the Catholic
Church which provides answers to some of our very
basic questions about who God is. I would like to
invite any young person searching for answers to the
meaning of life to come and join us.  Come and learn
more about this loving God who cares for us all in a
very personal way" says Fr Gerard.

The class started with 10 young people in January and
has now tripled in size to over 30 youths. 

If you are interested in finding out more about RCIY,
please contact Fr Gerard Weerakoon on 6283 4908
(office) or SMS him at 9348 5770. You can also drop
him an email at avemaria@pacific.net.sg

Updated: 5 Dec 2006