Shadow Members
DJ Services
ShadowFan Page


Welcome to ShadowNet! This is the home of The ShadowNetwork which consists of ,but not limited to: ShadowRoms, LordShadow @ The RealHost, LordShadow and DarkShadowNight @, ShadowTech, Tripod Member Shadow_242, DJ Shadow, and more! Wow! Lots of Shadow!
Also, in affiliation with: DJ Pacman!

If you would like current up to date info directly from ShadowNet.....Sign Up!
Sign up for our monthly newsletter, "The Shadow Report". It will include: Site Updates, Our Link Of The Month!, and Our Pic Of The Month!.
For Our V.I.P. Members:
As well as: New Game Tournament Info (Entry,Location,Times), New Clan Updates (For Clan Members Only), and New Great Software/ Info / Special Discounts and Promotions / Monthly Meetings For Shadow / Access to Restricted Content Database (Update in passwords and status), and much much more!

NEW CHAT ROOM ADDED! - Click Here! or Here!



OH THE HUMANITY! 5 Years in the Making! Tons of Content LOST!!!

Jan 15 2006 - Due to a recent error and unplanned shutdown of our site (a.k.a. backup and restore data problems) we have had to revamp/redo our entire site.... :( Unfourtunly, all of our site links to everything has been lost, as well as some downloads... We are very unhappy about this but all will be well soon... Within a few short weeks, everything should be running fairly smoothly again. Again, i regret that all was lost of the following: Q and A's that were posted, E-mail database, ShadowTech Members Restricted Area Files, All Member info, site links, various downloads including warcraft III: TFT maps, Halo Tournament Detailed Statistics, plus, a little more....Please Check back in a few weeks to see our progress. Thank You.
Jan 17 2006 - Some of our old links have been re-added again, slowly things are getting put back.....Please be patiant with us, there are many new things we are currently working on, such as a brand new online and local game server!!!
Jan 20, 2006 - A few more links added, plus DJ Services page and other stuff added as well. More content is coming in!
Jan 28, 2006 - Just added some Sweet xiao xiao stuff and some more great links & content!
Jan 29, 2006 - Reeling in the content......
Feb 01, 2006 - A lot more updates....Downloads Section looks great, all *.gifs, but still great...Dj Services updated! Other misc. Updates as well!
Feb 5, 2006 - Hey more great stuff added for VIP Members/ShadowTech/Net employees ect.
Feb 7, 2006 - I AM GETTING TRAFFIC FROM AFGHANISTAN!!! WHAT???! WHY!? i really hope we did not piss someone off in a 3rd world country!United States Map
Feb 8, 2006 - Updates!
Feb 9, 2006 - More links added, Check out Hackers Black Book!
P.S.: Watch out! el8 is about!!! White hats are biting their nails as more attacks from black hats bombard more and more networks. Project Mayham could be unleashed @ any time. Who will it affect? What do we do?
Go to the FAQ thats what; for some ways on how to protect yourself, though i doubt anything i just posted there would be of use to you against el8. Dont worry, just dont piss them off! Though i am somewhat sympathetic to their cause.....they should try doing it another way.....then making everyone hate us more then they already do. Manifesto
Feb 27, 2006 - Added some more funny junk, like the New 8 Ball! you will find all over the some various updates, more links, more pics, check the misc junk for a pretty cool pic of some stuff piled together by Brian that he likes....enjoy!
Feb 28 , 2006 - New messages for shadow members about some changes in the site. more updates.
March 1, 2006 - New codecs for Shadow Members.
March 3, 2006 - New Projects are underway, members will be updated on progress.
March 4, 2006 - new link added.
March 8, 2006 - Some new info on project shadow sent out.
March 10, 2006 - New shadow member updates, will now be posted in the "ShadowNews section" and will be put in new Codec Format for privacy.
March 12, 2006 - New Codec messages are posted in monthly promotions , as well as shadow news, members please check them.
March 14, 2006 - Sorry about the FAQ/Q&A section, has not been updated in a while due to we had to weed out some very "Colorful" questions....Right now we are compiling a few good questions posed to us with some detailed answers. Again sorry about the wait, our staff seems to be backed up with some current projects we have going on.....In the meantime , please feel free to browse the links section we have some more for you , as well as some more content for the fans section that was sent to us.....
March 15, 2006 - We are sad to report that Many of the "cool icons" in the download section are being deleted. It was meant to happen as the section was only temporary till we had more content....Dont worry i did say "most" , the Badass buddy icons are staying, because they are oh so funny...
March 16, 2006 - More Info for the Networking Page Added for everbody. One Added Link to the Links Section. Updated videos for Fans Section.
SHADOWNEWS IS UP AND RUNNING! YAY! and its about time too, whew. Plus a few more updates on certain pictures and other misc. stuff.
BREAKING NEWS: We have a chat room on the site! ICQ : you can either go to the misc. junk page or the ShadowMembers page to access it.
March 17, 2006 - Save Season Six! Teen Titans Fans , GO! Go to the Save the Titans page and show your support for the greatest show ever!
March 23, 2006 - Ahhh updates.....anyway, added a link or 2 and another video + A PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUCMENT FROM THE SHADOW! - see links page

4/03/06 - Hey hey hey, updates today! More Links added, more faq, and more. Sorry about the networking section, we are going to add more, we are just adding finishing touches to some articles...Thanx
4/04/06 - Just responded to a urgent Question in the FAQ/Q&A section, updated a couple bad links, some news added to ShadowNews.....
4/14/06 - Hello Surfers.... its been 10 days since an update, my bad.
Anyway, i have some news.....ZELDA THE MOVIE! An independent film made by fans for the fans. Check it out! The trailer is in the ShadowFan Section with a link to a site with some info. ZELDA: The Hero of Time, the next greatest hit!
New Downloads added! plus , some were gotten rid of ( the unliked ones).
Just made some updates to everything, checked pictures and links....(or like i just the top of ShadowNews said Inactive....whoops lol). Oh and also, going to read e-mails tonight for good questions and links, ect.
04/18/06 - More updates added to the ShadowFan Section (more videos, got rid of some old crap), made updates to a couple of broken links, ect. Enjoy
04/20/06 - added more videos, updated links
04/24/06 - added one more video today, plus another FAQ/Q&A
04/25/06 - Resumes have been removed - see resume page for info. Another link has been added.

05/02/06 - New and interesting ideas are being formulated....stay tuned.     Going to add more Networking info to the Networking page soon. NEW LINKS! WEP cracking and more go look!
06/01/06 - Sorry internet has been down for while, we have been in the process of moving everything, thanx for your paitence.

06/23/06 - BACK ON! yay....yes we now have moved everything, took forever....thanx for waiting.

06/29/06 - Some more great links added to the links section , not too much else, sorry =(

07/06/06 - Sweet New Halo Game varients added to misc. stuff page. Check'em out, plus, other updates.

07/15/06 - *NEW* Long awaited....Avatar - The Last Airbender page with some cool wallpapers and links is now being added and under construction!
08/14/06 - Well, as usual ShadowTech is subject to various circumtances that are out of are such, due to recent circumstances, we have been experincing different problems that have had a bad effect on our company. Money loss , loss of location, and more have made life ....well....shitty. As i always say " i am a victim of fluke circumstance", and its always true.
08/14/06 - ah yes, later in the day, it only gets worse, oh well, wont go into details. I will however conduct some updates.

09/26/06 - a couple more links added to the mix as well as my support for Shadow to be in SSBB....Please support some of your fav. characters for the new game. Added new funny pic to the downloads lol...Check it out

10/12/06 - The Hacking page that was added soo long ago is finally having somthing done with it...yay.
-More info and links added!
-Check out the shout box!
-Also, JOIN Quest RPG for a sweet flash adventure game!
-and if u like Quest , Join SILKROAD ONLINE! Its a free MMORPG with some pretty nice graphics and does not run too shabby on lower end systems....Some game review for these and others will soon be posted in the ShadowNews Room.

*Attention Shadow Members:
We cannnot not thank you enough for this years support of the Shadow Project and,

New Benefits for you have arrived! NOW , 3 new FREE games have been added to your ShadowBox Inventories: Age Of Empires III,
Yu-Gi-Oh: Power of Chaos (Kaibi,Yu-gi, and Joey 3-in-1 Combo!!!) , plus a not so new game but a very fun one for u trek fans.... Star Trek: Bridge Commander! Enjoy! Enjoy!

01/27/07 - Site has been inactive for quite some time....sorry, we have been real busy with other things. Anyway, gonna make some various updates and were gonna replace a couple of pages with some new stuff...Thanx

01/30/07 - New site joins the Shadow Network. WhiteSun is now apart of our growing ring.

I just found out i have people from cuba, afghanistan, and some other countries viewing my website.......whoa! United States Map







Contact Us!
Contact Us!


Another Save The Teen Titans Website!

Teen Titans , Reviews and Pics for Every Episode!


Teen Titans is being CANCELED! They are not going to make Season Six! This must not happen! We need to take action!

PLEASE, if you love teen titans just as much as the staff here at ShadowNet, then PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE.....Contact Cartoon Network and let them KNOW how you feel!


The Best Way to do this, is to write individual letters! Cartoon Network does not care about anything anymore, you must make them care!......You must write, very heartfelt letters, to the man responsible for Programming and Development of Cartoon Network: Senior Vice President Bob Higgins. HE MUST KNOW HOW WE FEEL! or JOIN THE PETITION - Theres so much more stories to tell , about each chracter....dont kill the titans!



Daily Shadow Poll
Which Video Game Console Do You Like Best?

Nintendo Gamecube/New Revolution
XBOX/ Xbox 360
Playstation 2/ PS3
Gameboy (DS/Advance/Color)
My computer, Consoles are gay!
Games are for those that don't have real lives!
Whoever selected answer 7 is a REAL FAG!
What was the question and who am i?
I Like Them ALL!

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Sunday March 2, 2025 7:44PM

Obvisously a new counter put in.....Orginal was at 124,547 or something like that.....since.....2000 or something.

Free Counter
Here's the old counter with the new hits added

Last updated on 2/2/2007, 4:28:22 AM



