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Jesus Who?


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This is a biography of Jesus Christ; the promied Messiah and Savior to the world!

Well, I still can't seem to get around to this (with a Bible anyway) so I will tell you guys what I know about Jesus Christ's life (it may not be completely accurate, but when I get my Bible, and do this, it will be!).


Around 3 BC, a girl named Mary, who was pledged to be married to a respectable man named Joseph, was visited by an angel and told that she would bare a son, without the help of a man (that means she will become pregnant while still being a virgin)! She was to name this son, Jesus.

Joseph was a sad when he heard that Mary had become pregnant, because that means she had committed adultery (which is punishable by stoning, throwing rocks at her until she died). What Joseph didn't know was that Mary hadn't committed adultery, she was pregnant as a virgin, by the Holy Spirit.

Joseph, being a righteous man, decided not to let the public know of Mary being pregnant, so she wouldn't be stoned. But, one night Joseph had a dream. In the dream, an angle came down and told him not to put her away, but to take her as his wife for she was pregnant with the Son of God. He did as the angle said.

Joseph and Mary then went to the city of Bethlehem because a census was being held so every family had to go to there home town. There, Mary and Joseph couldn't find place to sleep. They had to settle for a barn. In the barn, Mary gave birth to Jesus.

About that night or the night afterward, shepherds came and worshiped Jesus. They said they were told my a multitude of angles to come to the city and find the baby and to worship Him, for He is the Son of God. Then, magi from the east (we don't know exactly how many came, although it is traditionally taught as three) came and brought gifts and worshiped.

Again, and angle of the Lord came to Joseph in a dream and told him, this time, to go down to Egypt for King Herod had heard about Jesus and wanted to kill Him. So, Joseph, Mary, and Jesus went down to Egypt, and stayed there until Herod died.

That is the Christmas story. It can be found in Luke 1:26-38, Matt. 1:18-25, & Luke 2:8-20