Hello there...my name is Dave, I am the Son of Insanity. You may not believe me, so be it. This is my webpage. I designed it as a deep look into my already twisted world. But you might just see it as a page about me and the stuff I do. To you, I might be perfectly normal. But to some...I'm completely nuts. Read on...

NEW BUSINESS: So, why is "links" an all-encompassing point of my life? Past visitors may have wondered. Well, fear no more. The "links" site has been replaced, by the "views" site. (besides, I know you didn't actually VISIT the sites in my links page) Read all about what I care about, dislike, and want to change! Meanwhile, a new feature, the "Featured Link" will be debuting right underneath the image map. Thanks!

These are some all-encompassing points of my life...

Featured Link!! Jerry Uelsmann
In my opinion, this man is one of the best photographers around. His images are altered and combined in the darkroom, so that he leaves with something that has never been seen before. And this site is only the tip of the iceberg. I encourage you to check it out!

Y'know, my webpage may not be Y2K complient, but click here for something that is!

This page is still under construction!

So, you passed up the big ol' map that tells you where to go, eh? Geez, what are you gonna do now? You're in big trouble! Lucky for you I was observant enough to put an extra little one at the bottom for people like you. Oh, so you say you can just scroll back up? Oh, then take the easy way out then...see if I care! Jeez...people today...

DISCLAIMER: Ok, obviously some people don't get it. Some people obviously think that this site is somehow so stupid that not only do they have to THINK that, but they feel immature enough to be assholes and leave mean-spirited messages on my guestbook. Well, to these people out there, GET A LIFE. This is my webpage, and I like it and a lot of other people like it too. If you don't like it, just be mature and leave. Jeez...

(I'll be nicer than Cartman...maybe)

The official site banner!