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Buu Forms
Pure Super Buu
Absorbed: South Kaioshin.

This is the form of Majin Buu after he absorbs South Kaioshin. He is twice as strong and has bigger muscles.
Fat Buu
Absorbed: Dai Kaioshin.

This form is when he absorbs the fatest Kaioshin, Dai Kaioshin. He has more of a sweet tooth and eats alot more. The only bad thing about this fusion, is that he's a little nicer and more power is held back.
Good Buu
Absorbed: Dai Kaioshin.

This good form of Majin Buu is seperated from the evil form of Majin Buu. The goodness of Dai Kaioshin took over Majin Buu's form and he became just one good guy. He still has a huge amount of power and is friends with Mr. Satan and Bee.
Evil Buu
Absorbed: No One.

This form is made from Good Buu when they defused. This form is alot more powerful than Good Buu and he fights with no restraints.
Adult Buu
Absorbed: Good Buu.

This is the form when Evil Buu absorbed Good Buu. He is much thinner and way more powerful. He still has his old sweet tooth.
Super Piccolo Buu
Absorbed: Piccolo.

After Majin Buu absorbs Piccolo, he gains the Makankosappo. He also gained his power, along with his clothes.
Super Gotenks Buu
Absorbed: Gotenks.

Majin Buu absorbs Gotenks, gaining his vest and power. He also gains his moves, (Hundreds of them.) including Super Ghost Kamikaze Attack.
Super Gohan Buu
Absorbed: Gohan.

Majin Buu actually looks good with the clothes that Gohan wears. But his power is now WAY up there, when he absorbs Mystic Gohan's power. He also gained all of his moves and also kept the moves that he learned from the others.
Kid Buu
Absorbed: No One.

After absorbing Vegetto, Goku and Vegeta defuse in his body and are able to walk around. They find and release everyone that he had abosrbed. He is now more dangerous than Super Gohan Buu himself, because he does not have Dai Kaioshin inside of him anymore. This makes him release his true power, with nothing holding him back.
Absorbed: No One.

After defeating Majin Buu, Goku uses his first wish to wish back all of the people killed by Majin Buu. He then wishes for a reincarnation of Buu, a good reincarnation, so that he can train with him. Ubuu's special ability is that he learns while he fights and becomes more powerful. He and Goku go to Kami's Lookout to train.
Super Ubuu
Absorbed: Good Buu.

Ubuu absorbs Good Buu when he finds out who he is. I should say he fuses with him since Mr. Buu allowed him to. In this state, he gains the power of turning things into chocolate and his power increases greatly.