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Legenary Super Saiyan

¿ Why Goku is the Legendary Super Saiyan?
Goku is the legendary SSJ because he has a pure heart
Due to his overwhelming power: he always wanted to be the best warrior in the universe therefore he trained a lot. Although he surpass the power of a Super Saiyan and reach the level 3 and was consider the strongest in the universe he continue training and at last got to the limited and became a Super Saiyan level 4 and after the fusion with Shen-Long he became inmortal.
Because of his Personality: he likes fighting, eating and have great adventures.
His best Attacks
   KaiouKen: This is primarily a power-up move. When Goku uses this technique, he flares up and gains a large boost to his speed and power.
   KameHameHa: It is a Ki blast, which to start is charged up held behind the firer in cupped hands, then brought forward to release a large blast of energy.
   TaiouKen: The user puts his hands in front of his face, says "Taiyoken," and lights up very bright, so much that he blinds his opponent.
   Teletransportation: move any where by knowing the ki of a person
   The Genkidama: A large ball of energy gathered from nature, humans, etc., which lend you their energy. (the most powerful attack on Dragon Ball Z and GT)
His KI
The power of Goku doesn't have limits, when he vas a little kid he had great power and after a lot of training became the first SSJ and so on.
He surpass everybody when he became a Super Saiyan level 4
But at the end of GT when he made that Genkidama his ki didn't have limits and the same thing happened when he fuse with Shen-Lon