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The Story of Hailey's Arrival

When Hailey was born, I published an entire write-up on her story that was posted to a previous version of the Family Website.  For posterity's sake, I'll post it here too.  A side-note on the pictures, these are all video captures from a pretty cheesy TWAIN device that I bought two years ago (that at the time was pretty high-tech).  So, please excuse the image quality.

New Arrival (as of August 1998)

Holli and Aaron are happier than ever to have little Hailey at home. So happy, in fact, that they want to share her with all of her friends and family. Unfortunately all of you are spread out all over the world and can't see her in person, so this site will be updated periodically with new stories and pictures that will help all of you see her grow up.

Please feel free to send Aaron or Holli any comments that you may have or just drop them an email and let them know how you are. They look forward to keeping in touch and hope all of you enjoy Hailey as much as her parents do.

After two 'false alarms', when Holli and Aaron went to Medical City but were turned away, and nearly 48 hours of continuous contractions, Holli was admitted to Labor and Delivery at 6:00 pm on August 13, 1998. Holli was nearly homicidal by that point, having threatened to kill Aaron several times while at home and later any driver who impeded her progress on 75 Central Expressway while driving to the Hospital (during rush-hour traffic). Her homicidal tendencies subsided, but were replaced by suicidal threats, exclaiming "Oh, just shoot me!" a few times before the blessed epidural came along and significantly reduced the amount of pain that Holli experienced.

By 8:00 pm Holli was very near completely dialated and her water broke. The last obstacle to overcome was to wait for little Hailey to turn over and enter the birth canal. We waited two hours and rested, until the nurse came back and informed us that we were going to have this baby before midnight, and the pushing began.

For almost an hour and a half, Holli pushed and pleaded for the little girl to get out, making slow, consistent progress until the crown of Hailey's head was showing. Then she got stuck, and regardless of the prodding and manipulations of the nurses and doctor, she would not move. Hailey's vital signs remained stable, so the doctor opted for a tool called simply the "Maxi-vac". Images came to mind of a diesel engine attached to some great sucking machine with laser sights and optional turbo charger. Upon seeing the device, Aaron was slightly surprised to find out that this mighty machine was simply a small hand-driven suction pump with a clear flex hose attached. But its diminutive appearance was deceiving.

The suction cup was attached and a few strokes applied to the Maxi-vac, when Holli was ordered to push some more. She cooperated nicely, and with the doctor pulling on the Maxi-vac, Hailey's head popped right out. The rest was relatively easy, but that Maxi-vac left the largest hickey that either Aaron or Holli had ever seen.

Hailey was quickly passed to the nurses to clean her up, and then returned for Holli to hold. Aaron and Holli both could barely believe that the day had come, but enjoyed immensely the experience. Hailey was peaceful and quiet once she was wrapped up and immediately opened her eyes and stuck her tongue out at everyone. She has beautiful pink skin, bluish eyes, sandy peach fuzz on most of her head and not really a mark on her (besides the huge hickey). Her official statistics are, 7 pounds 11 ounces, 20.5 inches, born at 12:06 am on Friday, August 14, 1998.

Both mother and daughter are resting now, Holli will most likely leave Medical City on Sunday, August 16 and will enjoy her maternity and family leave time off.

Hailey's First Week

Hailey is proficient at doing three things well already, eating, sleeping and producing dirty diapers. She has had a great first week learning how to breastfeed and getting her first bath. Holli hasn't had much time to sleep, but hopefully she will get used to the sleep-deprived life of a new mom.

Hailey's first day in her new crib, right after leaving the hospital on Saturday afternoon

Dad has been trying to help out, serving as a bed for Hailey to perform one of her best skills

Hailey really likes sleeping on Aaron's chest

Hailey's first bath went fairly well. It was of the sponge variety and will be that way until her belly button is normal.

Hailey stayed calm through the ordeal, while Holli tried to clean every last little baby-fat roll.

A calm little Hailey hanging out with Aaron

Hailey's face has already changed so much (compare with 'eyesopen.jpg', right)

Pictures from home and around campus (about a block from our apartment).

Aaron & Hailey in the Rotunda

Happily lying around

On the lawns in the SMU Quad

Holli walking in the Law Quad

Holli on University Boulevard

A fun night at home

Right before Hailey's bath

Hanging out on Hailey's favorite blanket